29 October 2006

Surprising Sunday

This morning,I woke up at 6.45am and I called gappy,but she did not answer once again...After that,I went to prepare and after I prepared finish,I used my Internet to message gappy asking her why she hang up my phone and told her that just called her to wake up.

After that,I also used Internet to message Joy before I went out to go church.I went to 7-11 to buy Pokka coffee at $1.10.After that,I walked to the bus-stop and took bus 98 to Lakeside Mrt. When waiting for the bus to come,it was about 8am and Poh Cheng called me and asked me where am I?I told her that I was at Jurong and she said no going church,I said that I was waiting for the bus.She asked me what time my service start and she wana go.I told her of the meeting place and then we hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone,I messaged Jun and told her.

We almost late for the service.I once again late...9.20am then reached the hall.

Before the service ended,Poh Cheng wana go out to the front and I told Jun,after which,we three walked out to the front and prayed for Poh Cheng.

After the service,we went to Changi terminal 1 to have our lunch.After we had our lunch,we took train to Expo again as Poh Cheng wana go for the Youth service at 1.30pm.Yilin is not joining us as she had Grastic pain and headache.

After eating,we went back to Expo for our 1.30pm service,but when we reached Expo and reached Hall 9,it's only 1pm and we were early so called and messaged gappy,but no reply and in the end,she answered my call and she said that she having prayer meeting at 1.30pm.Then I messaged her asking her when her prayer meeting ends but she no replied me and we waited for awhile and it was 1.30pm and we walked into the service and enjoyed our service.

After service,it was 3.35pm and when we walked out,we saw Hall 8,CHC people walked out and I messaged gappy and told her that we waited for her at outside Hall 7.

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