23 October 2006

Overslept in the morning

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am and I was late as I set my alarm at 6am as I was at Woodlands and I was still very tired but managed to get up and get prepared.

After which,I went to take bus 900 to Interchange and took train to Clementi.I was almost late for class and I messaged Tine to help me take my SSG book.

P/S: Thanks Tine for helping me to take my book.Hehe...Your are my great Tine.

After which,we had our lesson and it ended at 11am.

Supposed that today, we had Co-op duty but Mrs Wo came in and told us that it's cancelled as there's something wrong with the register.

During the 3 hours break,we took bus 99 to my house opposite to had our lunch but Hannah did not followed us as she said that she had things on.

I went back home first as I wanted to put down my laptop before going to the hawker centre to had my lunch.I had 'Kway Chup' for my lunch and it cost $3.50.

After which,we had a walk and then went back to school and took bus 99 back.

We reached school at about 12.30pm and we went to Access Room to stay there till about 2pm, before our next class started.

Tine and I went to the staff office and waited for Mrs Dorothy Tay as Cherish called me and asked me to take the com key from Mrs Tay.

After that,we had our lesson till 4pm.When we walked out of the com,it had a heavy pour and we had to stay till the rain small then we walked to the bus-stop.Hazel,Bei Bei and Mary went off first as Bei Bei had things on while Hazel had to work.Lefting Wai Wai,Tine,Hannah,Mei Qian, Min Min,Jia Jia and I.

Wai Wai,Hannah and Min Min took opposite bus to Interchange while Mei Qian and Jia Jia took bus 105 back home while Tine and I took bus 99 back home.

I went to Tine's stop and walked with her to return Shayne's VCD as he now lived in Bukit Batok. After that,we walked to 'Dessert shop' to have our dessert and after that we took bus 99 to Boon Lay.

Tine and I walked to 7-11 while I went in supposed to look for god-mother but she was not in and I took her handphone number from her daughter and we left.

After that,we walked to NTUC to walk and I bought 'Siaw Mai' at $2.05 and we walked to Mac for the washroom and we walked to the bus-stop opposite and took bus 198 back home.

At which,I supposed to meet gappy at 8.15pm at her house down stair but in the end,we changed our plan and came to my house.

I was so hungry and I messenged Tine in MSN and told her that I wana eat her up.Haha...I also told gappy that I was so hungry.

We mit at 8.30pm but she was late and when she came, we went to KFC and bought student meal and gappy ate Zinger Burger Meal while I ate Bandito Meal.We bought and went back to my house and ate.

We reached home at 9.05pm and then we started to eat our dinner.Gappy had a short nap at my house and asked me to wake her up at 11pm.

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