05 October 2006


Yesterday,I got back my ITE result and at around 7.30pm,I went my house downstair to mit Jennifer,Ray and Ah Ching.As Jennifer studied for her upcoming O level while Ah Ching studied her PSLE tomorrow for her Maths.Ray was there to accompany Jennifer and played the handphone game and I was online doing my things.
About 11pm,I called Jun as she messaged me where I suggest to meet? to discuss Friday appointment as we having Cell instead on Saturday as Jun had things on on Saturday.
I reached home at 12am and bathed.After I bathed,I couldn't sleep and online played game with JiaJia till around 2 plus in the morning.During the game,I msn JiaJia that'Last Game' as I was very tired and wanna sleep but in the end,I lay on my bed and tossed and turned.Cham...ah...COULD NOT SLEEP!!!
So I woke up and see my MSN and saw that JiaJia offline so I watched VCD till 5am then sleep.
In the morning,I woke up at 10am as going to work at 11am.
During my work,my manager,Monica,treating me and Aunt Lee drinks.YEO's Drink(can).Thanks...
Wana thank God for the blessing...
After work,I went to Woodlands as I ended work at 7pm and reached Woodlands around 9pm.
Think tonight going to sleep early as very tired...
Friends,anything...SMS me as I will off my handphone.thanks and will reply you asap.Thanks my friends....Love you all.Muach...

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