09 October 2006

Sleep very early

Today,I woke up at 6am and called my 'daddy' to wake up and I called him till 6.30am and he then woke up.Wow...so long sia...half hour gone.Haha...After which,I went to prepare to go church from Jurong.Today,I did not meet my gappy as she brought her friends for service.

While I was walking to the 187 bus-stop,I saw my 'gan ma' and chatted with her for awhile. After which,I crossed the road to take bus 187 to Lakeside MRT to meet Steven,my 'daddy' to go church.

During the journey,I called gappy as had no idea if she had waken up and she told me that her friend not going and she was wearing dress today to go service.She was going alone.Sad Sad... Heehee...

When we reached Singapore Expo,we walked to 7-11 to buy Meiji Coffee as 2 for $1.50,offer price.I bought coffee while 'daddy' bought chocolate.After which,we walked to Hall 9 and we found a place to sit and ordered food to eat while waiting for the service to start and meanwhile waiting for Yilin.

After which,we walked in to the service.Today,Jun and Andrew was not in the service as they both had to attend funeral service and Jocelyn was not feeling well.Mandy went for the 1.30pm service.

After the service which ended at 11am and I walked out of the Max Pavillion,I called my another friend to wake up to go service.At first,I called his handphone and he hung up my phone and then I called his house and he answered and I asked him to go prepared and mit him at Simei Control Station and we took the shuttle bus to go for service.

After which,'daddy',Yilin and I went to Changi Airport Terminal 2 to had our lunch and after which,I called Mandy to wake up as she was going for 1.30pm service.

After which,at around 1pm,I messaged my friend that if he had arrived,let me know.I did called him but he hung my phone and when I reached Simei,He put me aeroplane.Haiz...

Last week,he delicated his life to God,this week he not coming and put me aeroplane.Don't know if he is taking God's mercy for granted not?

After I did not meet him,I went with Yilin to Simei Shopping Centre as Yilin had to make new glasses as her glasses had missing.

After that,we had a walk around the center,after some time,I suddenly had a stomache and went to the ladies to explode.While Yilin went for a walk around.After I had finished my explodeion,I called Yilin and she was at the Popular shop and I went to look for her.After the Popular,we went back home by train.

My stomach still in pain till I went back to Woodlands.During the journey,I prayed till it get better.In the night,I went to sleep very very the early.I slept at around 8 plus and woke up around 10pm and went to sleep again till the next morning.

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