17 October 2006

2nd day of school

This morning,I woke up at 6am sharp and went to prepare for school.I stepped out of the house at 6.40am and boarded the bus 900 at 6.45am and reached interchange at 6.55am and I waited for bus 963.At 7.01am,the bus 963 came and I boarded the bus and slept and messaged during the journey to Clementi.

I reached the school bus-stop at 7.55am and saw Tine was there waiting for me and we walked together to school.While walking to the traffic light,we both saw Cherish waiting for Shayne at the bus-stop.

Hmm...today don't know what happened to Tine,she kept beating me.While about to cross the road,we saw the auntie(photocopy) and we together crossed the road and we oso saw Ilah.This two days,I kept seeing Ilah.Haha....

While travelling to Clementi,Joyce messaged me and asked me of the class to report as she yeaterday did not come to school but the timetable is not with me and I messaged her telling her that and I will also check with others and get back to her.So after that,I called Mary and asked her after that I messaged Joyce telling her that it is at B2207.

Today,first lesson is SSG and it is Ms Chin lesson and we went to class B2205,air-con room as room 2207,the OHP got problem.After which at 10am,we moved to classroom B2203 for our next lesson,TKS(Thinking Skills) which is Mrs Ang.

When we were in the class,I passed her the paper which marked about our textbook given to some back and Mrs Ang said "How come it's tick and not let them sign?"I replied her that I trusted them and she told us about long story of her own experience.Is it wrong that I just marked a tick?Just distributing books out,must it looked like it's a serious matter?I was so angry with her but after that I was ok le as I should forgive and forget...

After her lesson,I had 3 hours of break as I had no Co-op duty.So we went out of the school going to take bus 105 to IMM and had our breakfast and lunch at Mac.Before that,I went to LJS to buy CLAM CHOWDER 8Oz at $2.80.After that,I went in agagin to buy 1 more CLAM CHOWDER 5Oz at $1.90.

Wai Wai,Hannah and JiaLi went to MOS Burger to had their meals while others went to Mac.

After which,we found a spot to take indiviudals photo as Ms Chin needed.After that we went off and took bus 105 back to school.

After that at 2pm,it is Mrs Tay lesson,OIT,and she gave us assigments that is typing and I typed till like going to be siao as it's prasticing our typing.I typed till assignment 15 and will have to carry on tomorrow.I typed till my hands pain and my right wrist is giving me problem.Haiz...
Must pray for healing power to be upon my right wrist.My left wrist is damn tired...

And tomorrow OIT lesson is 3 hours and it is going to be damn long...Haha...

I reached my grandma house at about 6.15pm and had my dinner as before that I went to Causeway Point to buy things.

Today,the haze is damn haze and the PSI is 100 till 10.45pm.In the night,I cough like nobody business and morning is quite alright and I think it's the haze making me feeling very uncomfortable and my eyes is pain and I kept rubbing it.

Haiz...hoping that tonight,I can sleep well...Last few days,till now I had not yet had a sound sleep.Hoping tonight,I can sleep soundly...'This is what I pray"

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