27 October 2006

Rainy Day

Haiz...now raining,can't go out.Supposing wanting to go out and have a walk and buy my lunch to eat,now seemed can't lol...Haiz...

Thank God, my mummy called and I asked her to buy lunch for me.

Thanks mummy...

Hmm...now doing nothing,so bored...Hmm...What can I do now?

Oh Ya,I can read my bible or taking a nap...Haha...since now can't go out...Think this will be my programme today.Haha...:)

Hi friends, just to update you all for those who care for me: My leg this morning was very painful when I walk.Now it's alright liao...Although still pain but not so much pain then morning.

Thank God for healing me so fast and thanks friends for you all so care for me.

Love you all and God....

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