07 October 2006

At Jurong West

Today,I went back to Jurong in the afternoon as going back to check my things and take my new handphone which my mummy bought.It's Nokia 6070.Thank God for the blessing and mummy,thanks.

During the journey,which I took bus 187,at around Bukit Batok,Jennifer and Ray boarded the bus and Jennifer surprised me.After which,we went together to Jurong.

We stayed downstair Blk 452 till 9.30pm and they went back to Bukit Batok while I went to buy my dinner at Blk 442.

After which,I went back home.When I was in my room,I turned on the electricity and it turned blackout and my brother called my mummy and my mummy asked him to called my father and father came back and do the electricity and back to normal and it was about 10pm le and Haiz...missed the show,'I Not Stupid 2'.After which,father went out...

Left only my brother and I at home.I stayed up till very late.I stayed up till 5am and then went to sleep.After which,I had to wake up at 6am.

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