28 October 2006

Auto waking up

Today,at 9.30am,I suddenly woke up without any handphone call or message or even my alarm ringing.So surprised as yesterday night I slept at around 5am.So funny,don't you think so!!!

Damn...now having headache and damn can't ZZZ back..God,help me to sleep back again...!!!

Most of the time,I will wake up in the late afternoon when no one disturbs me.Haha...Like a pig hor!!!

Now,I can't go back to sleep so drop down my start of the day.Keke...

Hmm...later at 3pm,I will be miting my leader,Jun and my memeber,Yilin at Bugis to buy present for my member,Mandy as her birthday is coming soon...Hmm...so our bible study will be at Bugis after finished searching for the present.

Hmm...now to 3pm,still got long way to go...What should I do???Haha...maybe try my best again to close my damn eyes and ZZZ but have to set my alarm just in case overslept...Haha...Or play my Maple game or reading the Word of God or just stare at my com listening to music.Haha...

What should I do?Hmm...let me think...

You wana know,okie,let you know.I will "For you to find out,For me to know. "Haha... Understand liao ma...Hehe...

P/S: Update later of the day!!!

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