24 October 2006

Gappy sleeping at my house

Yesterday,I called her to wake her up but she did not wake up and spent the night sleeping at my house.At 1am,Jun called me and after which,I called her house and we chatted.

About 1 plus in the morning,Anni MSN mi and sent me Indonesia songs.She sent me 3 songs; they are Oleh Kuasa Darah-Your Power of Blood,LingkuPiku-Cover me and Bapa Yang Kekal-Immortal God.Thanks Anni.

Anni,this word is for you:Thanks God for putting you in my life to bless me and to brighten my day with your laughter.Even when,sometimes,I'm not feeling so good for the day,your laughter can make my day turn good.Thanks Anni to be there for me.

I slept at around 2am and I slept at my desk here while my gappy slept on my bed.After some times,my gappy woke up and woke me up and asked me to sleep on the bed.And I slept on my bed together with my gappy.

At about 7.30am,my gappy woke me up as she wanted to go home and I sent her down stair to take bus back home.

After she had taken her bus,I walked back home and cooked the food which I brought yesterday at Boon Lay NTUC with Tine.

To be contiuned...

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