16 October 2006

First Day school after 4 weeks of Holiday

This morning,I supposed to wake up @ 6am but in the end,I woke up at 6.30am as last two days,I did not sleep well as of my breathing problem;and begun to rush to bath and prepared.At about 6.45am,Tine messaged me asking whether I'm awake not?I heard the sound of my handphone ringing tone just after I came out of the bathroom.

Wow...Can imagine I just used 15 minutes to bath?Haha...After which,I started to pack my things in my bag and went out straight of the house without eating my breakfast.

Thank God for Tine as she kept messaging me when I was in the bus going to school otherwise I will sleep in the bus till miss the stop.Haha...

Tine,thanks for willing to lend me money when I said I may not bring enough money to school.

But in the end,I did not use her money.Hehe...

P/S: Tine,thanks for making me wake up during the journey and your willinginess to borrow me money.

I took bus 900 travelling to Woodlands Interchange and transfered to bus 963 to Clementi as today is school reopen.I reached the Clementi bus-stop at about 8.10am and walked into the class B2203,air-con room.

When I reached the class and opened the door,there's no teacher around.I only see the power of 6 not included Vick as he's not in class yet.I also saw my gang in the class.

Today,my first lesson is Ms Anna Chin,CDP(Career Development Program),after which is SSG(Social Skills and Grooming).CDP from 8am-10am after which is SSG but Ms Chin gave us a break till 10.30am then we went to Impression Studio for our SSG lesson.

Before SSG lesson started,Mrs Wo came in and talked about Co-op duty and I am in group C with Tine,Mary,Hannah,Jiali,Azmi and Zhong Yi.After our SSG lesson,group C have to do Co-op duty as we had chose 'Lots' and our duty were today.

Our Co-op duty starts from 11am-2pm.

During my Co-op duty,Mrs Ang came and asked me to take notes for the class at out photocopy room.The books are SSG and OIT modules.

Today is Zhong Yi's birthday and I brought him brownie with ice-cream on top for him.It looks like a cake to me.

P/S: My dear friend,Zhong Yi,Happy Birthday To You.May your dreams come true.God loves you.

After which,it's 2pm and we went to class B6101 for our OIT(Office IT) till 4pm,our class ended.
After the lesson,I going to Tiong Bahru as 'Daddy' working over there and today is his first day of work.

At 3.30pm,Mrs Tay called us to pack up and we left the class at 3.45pm. Tine,Wai Wai and I went to take bus 99 to Clementi Interchange while others took bus back home.

When we reached interchange,Wai Wai took different directions as she is taking bus back home while Tine and I walked to the MRT station.

While we were waiting for the train to come,we saw Manisah and Vani and we four of us took the train.Tine went to meet her friends while Vani,Manisah and I went to Tiong Bahru.

When we reached,I went to ATM machine while they both went to Watson to buy things. After I withdrew the money,I went to Watson to look for them for awhile before I went up to level 3 to look for 'Daddy' at the store called "More Than Words".

Hey,hey,hey!!! Something aroused my attention...I saw the vcd called 'Sorry Teacher' which is local movie and the price is $12.95 and I decided to buy after I get my salary this month.Haha...

At about 5.50pm,'daddy' called me and he was ready for his dinner and we went to foodcourt to eat.After that,I went back home while 'daddy' went back to work.

I reached home at about 8pm.

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