14 October 2006

Farm Visit & Bible Study

Last night,I had difficult in sleeping as I had an attack, breathing attack, which made me can't sleep.I had a hard time and I just can't breathe for don't know how long as I did not time it.Just hard to breathe, maybe it's cause by the Haze or what,which I don't know and don't wish to see doctor as I thought it was fine le.I had long time don't have this experience of difficult breathing only those minor ones.

I still rememberd that I had it since either 2003 or 2004, which I had this experience of hard breathing at SIS.

This morning,I was awaken up by my friend from SYFC,Candy,at 8am as we have an outing, farm outing.

I thought I maybe late so I quickly messaged Candy and told her as we were meeting at 9am at C.C.K control station.Thank God,I was on time,9am sharp.

We first went to 'Haydairies farm'.It was a goat farm at Yio Chu Kang.I still rememberd that last semester,we had a project and we almost did this goat things but in the end we changed it to others for our SBM projects.

When we reach there,we first saw the goat producing milk after which we went in to see the goats.When I was feeding the goat with grass,one of the little goats bite my right finger.It was painful but after awhile,not pain anymore. Thank God for healing...

After which,we brought milk at $2 each and drank it.After that,we went to 'Dragonfruit Farm' which was just opposite the 'Haydaries Farm'.

We had fun over the 2 sides.After which,Candy,Ching Yi and others ate the dragon fruit which they bought and I did not eat as I don't know how to eat.

After we had finished, we went to 'vegetables farm'.We had a walk over there to look at the vegetables and my right feet,the red ants bite it and it was so pain and I quickly went to put water on my feet when we about to finish looking at the vegetables.Haiz...again another pain.

After the vegetables farm,we went to 'fish farm' and look at the fish.After which,we went to Jurong West Extention to had our breakfast and lunch.

During the whole journey on the van,my head always knocked by the van.Haiz...again another one more pain.Haha...

The whole journey was fun and I enjoyed it!!! :-)

After our lunch,they drove me to Boon Lay MRT station and I took bus 187 to Woodlands and reached Woodlands at 3pm and I suddenly had a stomache and quickly I just rush to the toilet and did my business and messaged Jun and told her that I will be late for the bible study as stomache.

After the business, I went down to take bus 900 to interchange and transfer to bus 966 to Parkway Parade and changed to bus 197 to Jun's house and walked in.

When I reached Jun's house,Yilin had not arrived and I was the first one.After which,I transfered songs to Andrew's laptop using bluetooth and I don't know the password so I called Beibei and she helped me.Thanks Beibei...

After that,I called Yilin and realised that she was at home sleeping,hmm...maybe she was too tired and we started our bible study not long after we put down the phone with Yilin.

Today, our bible study is on James 1-27.Its about faith and also not only be a hearer but also a doer.After that,we had a sharing session.And we ended our bible study.

After that,Jun asked me to stay back and had dinner with them and I had dinner with them. This time was the second time,I had dinner with them.

I still remembered that first time,I had dinner with them was that I was not feeling well and had fish porridge.After we had our dinner,we went back to the room and transfer the songs again to Jun using bluetooth.

P/S: Thanks for the blessing Andrew and Jun that you both have given me.Today,I received a gift from Andrew,it is a bracelet and it was dark blue colour and it was beautiful. Thanks...Love you both.

I left their house at 9pm and took bus back home.I reached Woodlands at about 10.55pm.After that,I had a short shower and ate the curry chicken which was left by my grandma.My grandma woke up and heated the food for me and she went back to sleep.

Hmm...now,it's already 12.30am and I still couldn't sleep and still online.Haha...Tomorrow,still had to wake up at 6am and prepared to go service at Expo.Haha...

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