19 October 2006

Mr & Ms ITE Event

This morning,I mit Tine at the bus-stop as last night I staying at Jurong.I mit her at 7.20am but I was late as I went to bank to deposit my school fees into the bank otherwise later can't deduct it.So I reached the bus-stop at about 7.30am.We took the bus 99 at 7.45am and we reached school at about 8.10am and we waited Bei Bei at the canteen before we went in together.

While waiting for Bei Bei,I went to order Udon at the Mee House and it was uncle cooking it and the Udon was like can't eat lol.So when Bei Bei came,I did not finish the food and went to class. Haiz...my $1.50 goes down the drain.

The first hour was Tks and the classroom is at B2203 but Tine told me that Hannah messaged her that it changed to B6101,com room.I was surprised and how come went to com room? When we went in,we saw Mrs Ang and she told us to go ITE website and do our E-tutor for Sports & wellness as our TKS no displayed in our website.

Today,Jia Jia did not come to school as she is having her 'O' level Science Practical.Praying that she will have the confidence to do it.All the best,Jia Jia.You can do it.

We did till 9.30am then Bei Bei,Tine and I went to eat while others did not eat.After which, at 10am,we went to class B2207 for our SSG lesson but Ms Chin either called or messaged Cherish and she told us that later at the canteen,there's event on Mr & Ms ITE 2006 and asked us to look at their fashion and style.

At about 12pm,we went off and took bus 99 back home while Wai Wai went opp to take bus to Interchange and Bei Bei and Min Min took bus 188 to Jurong East.

We went opposite my house to the POSB Bank as I had enquires but in the end,Tine helped me to solve it.Thanks Tine!!!

After that,we went to Ian's shop(handphone) to change my ear-piece as my ear-piece got problem.After which,Hazel and Mary walked back home while Tine and I went to opposite bus-stop to wait for bus 335 as Tine went back home and rest before she went out again.As for me,I went back home and reached home at about 2pm.

When I reached home,I turned on my laptop and went to www.nea.gov.sg to see the PSI and it went high.

At 2pm,it is 106 and 3-4pm is 113!!!So damn HAZY...

Friends,do drink more water and do stay indoor if possible.

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