22 October 2006

After Church Service

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am and last night,I slept at 5am and automatically woke up at 6.30am sharp.After which,I went to bath and at 7.10am,I called Anni to wake up to go church. I called till about 7.30am,then she answered my call and I mit her at Braddell Control Station.

We mit at 8am at the station but she was late and in the end we boarded the train at around 8 plus in the morning.

Thank God that we are able to go into Max Pavillion as we arrived at 9.20am and the gate closed at 9.20am.

After which,we walked to the handicap section and sat down there with Yilin and as for Jun and Andrew,they sat in the front.

After service,Jun,Yilin,Anni and I walked to the station amd took train to Tampines as we mit Meien and Yuting at 11.30am at Tampines Control Station.

After which,we went to Tampines to buy cake for Joy as today is Joy's birthday and we planned to give her a surprise.Jun,Yilin and I went to ATM to wirthdraw money while others went to buy some food at the basement.Jun went to level 1 to withdraw money while Yilin and I went to opposite Tampines Mall,the POSB Bank to withdraw money.

After which,Yilin and I went to Eastlink foodcourt to buy some 'Dim Sum' and went back to Tampines Mall the Mac to meet up with others. After which we walked to Joy's house.

When we arrived at Joy's house,Jun came up a plan that Yilin and I walked up to her house first, followed by Anni and....When Yilin and I knocked the window,her brother came up and we told him that we looking for Joy and he went to told her.

After awhile,her brother told us that she is not feeling well and asked us to come another day.
After awhile,we walked up to her house and passed the cake, cards and some foods for her and we left.

We walked to her house nearby and sat down and started fellowship.Before I went to buy drinks,we prayed a blessing for Joy.

When I was walking to buy drinks,I suddenly can't breathe but I contiuned to walk to buy drinks at the coffeeshop,after that I walked back to the HDB and contiuned our fellowship.I passed mineral water to Jun and I started to breathe heavily and Yilin asked me what happened when I looked up at her.I told her that I can't breathe.After that,I asked them Anni went off liao.

After awhile,I opened the can of my drinks and started to drink.After awhile,we started to packed up and left.Meien and Yuting walked to other side and went back while Yilin,Jun and I walked to the other side and walked back to Tampines Mall and we walked to bus interchange to take bus back home.

While we walked to Interchange,I told Jun that that time,she talked about the God's prompting and I had received a BOMB.Haha...After that we went to Tampines Metro and she looked at the blouse and I told her that I had no mood to shop and she encouraged me together with Yilin.

But not long,after I had rejected them,we walked to Interchange to take bus.

Yilin took bus 65 while Jun and I took bus 969 back to Woodlands.

While in the bus,Jun had a nap while I played the handphone game for awhile and then read my bible,Genesis.When we reached Woodlands Interchange,we walked to Causeway Point.

We walked to Metro as Jun wanted to buy her facial things,after that we took escalator to level 4,the Crystal Jade and Jun order food and we had to wait for 20 minutes and Jun said that while waiting,we made use the time and she started to shop again for the blouse.After 20 minutes, we still did not buy anything and we went back to level 4 to take the food.

She bought 2 packets of porridge and she told me that 1 packet was for me but I did not accept it as I was very full and later still had dinner,Tom Yam Steamboat, to eat.After that,we walked to taxi stand as she wanted to take cab back home and she gave me a lift to my grandma house.

P/S: Jun,thanks for the blessing and the trip back home.

I reached home at about 5 plus in the evening.Not long after I'm back,we started our Tom Yam Steamboat.I ate till very full and had 3 rounds of it.Haha...

After eating and had a rest,I started to nose bleed again.So long did not had it and it came back and I was busy clearing it.Thank God that my grandma did not ask so she did not know it.

After clearing,I was very tired and dozed off to sleep...

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