27 October 2006

No school today,Friday,27 October 2006

Today,there is no school and I need not wake up so early and I also won't be late for school. Haha... :) HMM...Why today,there is no school?Wondering?Haha...

Let me tell you,my class advisor,Mrs Ang,told us on Monday,that there is no school on this coming Friday as of replacement of Saturday,Deevpali.Yar?No more wondering now,Haha...

This morning,I was waken up by my handphone message and it is only 8.45am and after which,I couldn't sleep back.Haiz...so damn tired yet can't sleep back.So F*** & so damn I****.

Whatever it is,now I can't sleep back no matter what!!!So pissed off...

And now I online and write blog lol.Later don't know do what...Hmm...

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