13 October 2006

Sleeping in the morning

Last night,around 4 plus in the morning,(hmm...,should be this morning)Haha...I played game with Jia Jia till about 5am and I stopped the game as mummy woke up around that timing.

Why I so lae still not in bed?I can't sleep,just can't sleep.Haiz...Having Insomia,since last year, after I had received my "o" level result.

At 5am,I lied on my bed and can't zzz,so I turned and tossed till I sleep,hmm...should be around half hour later,then I completely zzz as when I turned and tossed half-way,I picked up my handphone and saw the time. and not long I zzz liao.Haha...

Haha...I just woke up and here I am,writing blog.The time is 10.50am and I'm awake.

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