04 October 2006

Glory to God

Glory to God

Today,I woke up at 12 plus in the afternoon.I went down to market to buy things for my breakfast cum lunch and went back home to cook.

When I'm back home,I online and Tine asked me to call her handphone as she was going out.So I called her handphone and she told me that her ITE friend told her that the Exam result is out.

I went into the website and check.I was happy as I pass my exam with 2Bs and 3As.

Thank God for the results,for providing me Wisdom and understanding.Most of all the strength as that few days of exam period,I only slept 2 hours a day.Thank God.Glory to You,my Lord.

After I put down the phone with Tine,I called Jun and Joy to share my happiness with them.

After which,I called my friends to let them know the result is out.After which,I messaged Jocelyn and gappy.

After which,I online MSN and let Sis Selena know.

I now listening to my I-tunes on songs 'Glory To God.' Yes...All glory to God.

Glory to God
Words & Music: Paul Zaia & Ollie Sebastian
Heaven and Earth bow down
Such wonder graces from Your throne
The Angels stand in awe
Declaring Your praise forever more
You are my God
You alone so worthy
Glory to God
In the highest
High and lifted up
Heaven and Earth bow before You
My Lord
You are my God
You alone are so worthy
Of all my heart can give
Every knee shall bow
And every tongue confess
Jun,thanks for coaching me and your encouragment.Thank God for putting you in my life.
Joy,thanks for your encouragment and whenever I need someone,you will be there for me.
Jocelyn,thanks for your lovely message to keep me on.Thank God for you.
Yiling,thanks for your encouragment and message.
Most of all:
thanks God for putting you all in my life.
I love you all.

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