26 October 2006

Bad Day for me

This morning,I could not wake up on time at 6.30am and I slept till 7.15am when Tine called me and woke me up.Tine called me a lot of time but I was just very tired and did not hear my handphone rang as I slept only this morning at 5am as I could not sleep.

P/S: Tine,thanks for waking me up...

After Tine woke me up at 7.15am,I went back to sleep again till 7.30am then I woke up and started to go and prepare for school.

I reached school at about 8.20am.At about 9 plus in the morning,Mrs Ang went to take her things and others of my classmate went down and have break so I also joined them as before they went down,I was sleeping.

I told Tine and waited for her for awhile then I went down alone to canteen first as I was very hungry.When Cherish and I went to buy food,I wonder how come Tine was not down yet so I called her and she told me that she was caught by Mrs Ang.Haha...

She said that I did not wait for her and said me 'bad ah',I told her that I waited but you don't know do what and I just went down lol.Haha... :)

At about 12pm,we had lunch time and we still deciding wana go for SW later on at 1pm,after lunch.

Tine,Bei Bei and I walked to push-cart to buy cookies combo meal at $2.After that, we walked back to where Mary,Hannah,Jia Jia and Wai Wai sat at.Hazel was not around as she went to return her uniform for the airport that time she worked with Fifi and Vick.

After sometime,we chatted and Mary said about something like "tree" and I puked out my drink all over the table and include Wai Wai's drink.I apologised to her and went to buy her another cup of Milo at the push-cart.

When I walked back, I had a fall and hurt my knee cap and some of the Milo fall onto Mary and Hannah.I apologised to them and they went to washroom and changed their clothes to P.E attire.It was so painful and almost cried out but I did not,I bear with it.When I walked,it was so painful and felt like why not chopped off my leg, so damn pain lol...

After that,Tine accompanied me to Clementi Interchange and Tine went to top up her E-Zlink while I waited for her.After which,Tine accompanied me to go buy sports shoe with the padding at $27.90 together.

After which,Tine and I took bus 105 to opposite IMM, the Akira,to take back my DVD player.
After that,Tine accompanied me back home as I went to put down my things at home.

While Tine was at my house,she played her maple as I had download few days ago.I went to washroom and get changed after which we took bus 335 to Jurong East as miting Mary,Wai Wai,Jia Jia,Bei Bei and Hannah at IMM.

When we walked down my house,the rain poured and we did not bring umbrella and we had abit soaked.When we reached Jurong East,we took bus 333 to IMM and walked up to Daiso and mit them there.

P/S: Hi friends,thanks for not blaming me and even showed your care to me.I'm so touched...

We stayed there till about 5pm and we left the place.Wai Wai,Jia Jia,and Hannah walked to the bus-stop to take bus back while Mary,Tine and I took shuttle bus back to Jurong East and took bus 334 back home.

I reached home at about 6.30pm.At about 7pm,Esther called me and asked me how am I feeling as she had read my blog about yesterday things.

P/S: Esther,thanks for your care and concern.I'm alright...Don't worry about me.All the best for your exam.You can do it.God is with you,His guidance is here for you,ya!!

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