14 November 2006

Today is my Birthday

This morning as usual,I woke up late.Joy called me to wake me up.Thanks sis and also Tine waking me up.Double people waking me up.Haha...

Today,I took cab to school as I went out of my house was about 7.40am so I took cab together with Tine as I asked the driver to stop at Tine's bus-stop.When we reached the school.it's almost 8am.

During our break of 3 hours at 11am-2pm,Tine,Hazel,Bei Bei and I took cab to IMM as I lazy to take bus and moreover I cough like hell man...so not feeling so well...As for Wai Wai,Jia Jia,Mary and Hannah,they took bus to IMM as Mrs Ang called Wai Wai and Jia Jia stayed back for the 'O' level things.

We ate at LJS and I wanted to treat them lunch but they don't want so they bought themselves food.After our lunch,They gave me presents.It is so cute,I like it,man...

It's a cushion with piglet in it and also a notebook of Precious Moments.By that time,I'm not feeling so well le and cough till my throat pain.Sob Sob...

P/S: Thanks for your presents,I love it...

After which,we went back to school for our OIT lesson.Before the lesson starts,while I am at the locker,Joyce,Ivy and Ilah wished me Happy Birthday and Joyce passed me Lollipop for my present.So sweet of her...Thanks Joyce.I like to eat Lollipop!!Haha...

The lesson ended at 4pm and Hazel,Tine and I went off first as for Wai Wai, Jia Jia,Mary and Hannah,they stayed back in school for their discussion of projects.Bei Bei went off first.

I reached home at about 5pm.

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