19 November 2006

After service,going to Joy's house

When the Holy Spirit Comes in Power...

Anni, Joy, Mei En & Yu Ting

Me, Poh Cheng, Joy, Anni & Yu Ting

Jun help clearing the cake at Yu Ting's face together with us.

See who is the first one taking out the candles out of the cakes!

This morning,I woke up at 6.45am as last night I slept at about 4.15am.Supposed my alarm,I set at 6.30am but I delayed till 6.45am then I woke up as really too tired.Yesterday night, searching for the "Job Interview Tips" for my projects which Ms Chin is going to discuss on Monday.

When I reached Tenah Merah,I saw Poh Cheng and I thought she saw me but in the end,she did not and I scared her and she got a fright.Haha...After that,we went to Expo together and took the shuttle bus to Expo.Before the service,Poh Cheng and I went to buy sweets as I scared that I will cough till like nobody business.Haha..During the service,I listened and almost at the end, I slept but I did not, just close my eyes.heehee...

Today,service,Rev Lawerence Khong talked about Holy Spirit.There are 3 things about Holy Spirit.

1) Holy Spirit is a person.
2) Holy Spirit is the Lord,God!
3) Holy Spirit is the Lord God in the NOW!

When It's altar call,it's about the spiritual tongue,I actually wanted to go out but I wanted to vomit out so I no go in front.After half-way,I let Poh Cheng know that I went to washroom to vomit out.After that,I went back to my seat.

After the service,Jun,Poh Cheng and I went to take MRT to Tampines and we went down to the Tampines Mall to buy cakes at basement while we were waiting for Yuting at 12.15pm at Mac. In the end,I called Yuting and told her that we mit her at Joy's house.She reached Joy's house at about 12.45pm.

After which,while we were having lunch,Anni came and we sat together and had lunch.Joy's mum cooked the food.It's delicious and nice.Thanks for the food,Auntie.While we were eating, Joy's suddenly pops up a question about how you relieve anger and we talked about it.After which,we celebrate Joy,Yu ting,me,Poh Cheng and Anni's birthday as we were last month,this month and next month baby for the birthday.

When we were praying for Yuting,We put cream at her face after we had prayed finish for her.And there is a mess around her face and We all helped her clean.

At about 4pm,Jun went off as she had classes on "School of Leaders" while we were playing Tumbling Blocks which Joy's brother bought for her.We played for an hour from 4.30pm - 5.30pm.The results were as shown:

1st round:Poh Cheng
2nd round:Yu Ting
3rd round: me
4th round: Poh Cheng
5th round: Poh Cheng
6th round: Poh Cheng

The game is fun...I love it.

After the game,not long,Yilin came after the Youth service as she went for it.We sat at the Kitchen and chatted while Poh Cheng sat in the living room and slept at the sofa.

After not long,Poh Cheng went off first as she miting JR at Expo.After that at about 7pm,we all left the place.I reached home at 9pm.

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