04 November 2006

Bible Study

Today,I mit Poh Cheng at Parkway Parade Taxi Stand at 4pm and walk to Haig Courts for bible study.We waited for Jun to arrive as she went back to her office and we started our cell at about 5pm and ended at about 6.30pm.

Today,Jun shared about James 3:1-18,it talks about 2 things:
(1) Our Tongue
(2) Wisdom from God

Our tongue can be a blessing or a curse to others.We have a choice to say a blessing or a curse.
Wisdom from God is pure,peaceable,gentle,reasonable,full of mercy,without hypocrisy.

Today,Yilin did not come for bible study as she was having headache and others were either working,studying or not well,left only me,Poh Cheng and Jun.

We had a great time and after the BS,Jun took out her wedding album for Poh Cheng to look as Poh Cheng wana see.In the end,the album is not here instead DVD is here.We look at her wedding through DVD.

Just after the BS,gappy called me and asked me where am I? and wana had dinner with her.I told her that I mit Poh Cheng for dinner.

After the show,Jun sent us down and we chatted.After that,we walked to Parkway Parade the 7-11 stretch to had our dinner at the coffeeshop.After dinner,we took bus back home.We did not wait long,the bus was here.Thank God...

Poh Cheng took bus 31 while I took bus 197 back home.I reached home at about 9.35pm.

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