15 November 2006

Miting Jun at City Hall

After school,I went back home and I did not change and went to sleep as I taken my medicine. At about 6.45pm,I woke up and see the time on my handphone and I was late as miting Jun at 7.30pm so when I get up from my bed,I messaged Jun telling her that I will be late as I just woke up and will reach City Hall as soon as possible.

After which,I packed my bag,putting my drinks and medicine in,after which I went out of my house.This is the first time,I no bath then go out.Always I bath le then go out but today is very different.

When I was at Commonwealth,Jun called me and asked me where am I?I said I don't know,think it's at Commonwealth....and Jun said that she now going.I reached City hall at about 7.45pm and waited for her at the staircase there and I messaged her telling her.

After which,Esther called me and asked me where am I?Wanting to ask me to accompany her for dinner.After which,Jun messaged me telling me that she will reached in 15.

After she reached,we walked to the City Link and I was still talking to Esther while Jun was on the line with Joy.After which,we walked to the restroom and before that I hang up the phone with Esther.Jun passed me her handphone and said that got surprise and she went to the restroom.

After which,I realised that it was Joy and we chatted.After Jun came out of the restroom,we walked into a shop and she brought me a pink bag.I loved it very much as I love pink colour.Heehee...Thanks Jun for the presents.Thank God for putting you in my life to bless me and help me when I have difficulties or troubled.

After which,we walked to Gelare cafe and had our finger-food as I'm not hungry and no appieate to eat. Jun treated me and thank you,sis.

After which,we talked about my C.A teacher,Mrs Ang...After that,Jun gave me explanation on my projects which have to hand in on this coming Friday.

After that,we left the palce and walked to Suntec and took bus back home as almost all the store was closing.Before we went to Convention Hall to take our bus,we went to Giordano as Jun bought 2 clothes at @ $23.

Jun took bus 36 back home while I took bus 97 to Jurong East and transferred to bus 334. When I was in the bus,I messaged Jun saying thank you for her presents and food.She replied me saying that "Amen. I am glad you liked d gift. It is from God. Blessed rest. Live for Jesus. Think WWJD at 10.21pm."

When I reached Jurong East Interchange,I saw Alpha and her girl friend.After which,I took bus 334 back home.I reached home at about 11pm.

After I reached home,I did my projects but I felt sleeply as the medicine made me wana sleep.
At about 1am,I called Hazel as I can't connect into internet and wana cry,I did cry,after which...
Thank God,I can connect into it and Jun messaged me saying that she send me mail and I went in to see.Thanks Jun for helping me,Thank God for the blessing.

I worked till about 4am and went to sleep after I had my medicine.

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