11 November 2006

Today cell is at...

At about 12.30pm,I left my house and took train to Bugis and took bus 980 to KK hospital as Joy's grandma is in hospital.When reached Bugis,it was raining heavily and I can't cross the road to the other side as I did not bring umbrella.I don't like to bring umbrella unless I'm at home when it's raining.Haha...

In the end,I walked to Raffles Hospital together with the rain.I waited very long for the cab to reached and took the cab to KK Hospital.It's cost $3.70 and when I alighted,not long Yilin alighted and we walked together to look for Jun,Joy and Poh Cheng.After which,we took lift to the ward 43 and visit Joy's grandma.We prayed before we went in to visit Joy's grandma and also after visiting.

We took cab back and first Poh Cheng alighted,followed by Yilin,after that Jun and I alighted at Haig Courts as gappy have not reply me as we were miting.I waited at Jun's place and Andrew and Jun and their parents invited me to eat but I did not eat as I wanted to eat with gappy.

So at around 6.30pm,gappy called me and I answered the call and we meet 8pm at Harbour Front,Vivo City.Andrew gave me a lift and alighted me at Outram and I took train to Harbour Front.At 8pm,I messaged gappy but she did not reply me and in the end she replied me at about 8.20pm and said that she will be meeting me quite late.I replied her how late?But in the end,she did not reply me and at about 9pm,I called gappy alot of times but she did not pick up.I was so tired of calling her so I messaged her that I going back home.

When I was walking to the train station,my grastic pain as I did not eat my dinner and so late I don't feel like eating and I was feeling down.I alighted at Commonweath and took bus 198 back home.I reached home at about 10pm.

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