09 November 2006

SW Theory Test & Rehearsal of Giodano Scholar

During the break,I called Yilin and chatted with her awhile as she just having her lunch.

After the break,we had our SW Theory Test and it ended at about 2pm.It was pouring heavily and we walked out of the school as it was still early as our rehearsal started at 3.30pm.We took bus 106 to Interchange with the power of 6 and then they went to buy Shayne's shoe for tomorrow event and we went to the store next to MRT except Hannah,as she went back home and we stayed there till about 2.30pm and Wai Wai,Hazel and I made a move first and the rest,Tine,Bei Bei and Mary stayed there.When we walked to Bata shoe shop,we saw the group and they went back home except Cherish and Kris as they were involved in it.They both took cab back while Wai Wai,Hazel and I walked around Clementi.

While we walked back to the school,we walked into the Mac and saw Ilah and Aisha eating and we walked forward to them and we walked together with them to the school as for Wai Wai,she went back home.

We took bus 106 back and when we alighted at the bus-stop,the rain still pouring heavily,we ran to the school while Hazel walked to the school as she got bring umbrella while mine is at the locker.Haha...

When we reached school,we walked to the LT and Aisha,Ilah and I went up to the second floor to dry our clothes as it's wet.After which,we had our rehearsal.

When we were in the LT,the LT room was flooded and in the end,we still contiuned our rehearsal while the staffs were doing something about it.We ended our rehearsal about 5pm.

Hazel and I took bus 99 to the Shell and transferred bus to Jurong Point but we alighted wrongly once again as we overstop the bus...Haha...After that,we walked to Jurong Point and to choose shoe for Hazel for the Giodano event.In the end,Hazel bought the shoe at NANO shop and after that we saw Pei Ling,my primary school friend which going to get marry soon on the 18 Nov 2006.After which,we walked to the Interchange to take bus back home.Hazel accompanied me to wait for bus 198 then she went home.I reached home at about 7.20pm and had my dinner...

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