15 November 2006

Going to see doctor before going to school

This morning,I woke up at about 10am and no went to school this morning as yesterday,I can't sleep as coughing like hell and hardly can sleep.

After I prepared finished,I went down to opposite my house the clinic to see doctor and it cost $26 and I paid by nets.The doctor said that my throat is very red and inflection,that's why when I talk or swollow my saliva is in pain.I also having running nose that's why I have no appieate to eat.That's what doctor told me.Doctor advised me not to eat deep-fried food at the moment.

So no deep-fried food for me... :(

After I see the doctor,I went to take bus 99 to school and when I reached school.I called Tine and asked her where she is?After that,I went in to look for her.

Today is other class bazzar day and after my lunch,I went to one of the stall to buy Lychee Ice blend to drink.It's cost $1.30 and additional $0.30 for additional topping.When I was lining up,Mrs Ang saw me and asked me if I did attend her lesson,I replied in return "No, I went to see doctor and get MC."She asked me where is my MC like not happy like that...I was so angry with her but however I give her my MC as I put in my wallet.So damn...If you were me,how would you feel like?

When I was in the canteen with my classmates,they said that Mrs Ang lesson not much people is attending,less than 10 of them in class.Haha...who want to go her lesson,so boring and damn boring lol...Even me also don't really like her lesson.

After which,I went for my OIT lesson.

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