21 November 2006

During the 3 hours of Break

After Mrs Ang lesson,we went for our braek.We went out of the school to take bus to West Mall. We took bus 173 to West Mall except Tine did not go with us as her mum is not feeling well. Hoping her mum get well soon.

When we reached West Mall,we walked to KFC and had our lunch,while they were ordering and I was waiting for them to come back,I saw Jie Ying and chatted with her for awhile.Hmm...Hazel and Mary know her as they were Primary & Secondary school friend.Hmm...What a small world

After we had finished our lunch,we went to take bus 106 back to school and we waited quite long,we waited till around 12.20pm,then the bus arrived.We miting Tine at 12.45pm at the school bus-stop and we went to school together.

When we reached computer room,B6101,we had our new lesson as in 'Excel'.Wow...I almost forget the format and really,I had a hard time,man...

I ended class at 4pm.

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