22 November 2006

Late for school

This morning,I woke up at 9am,damn it,late again...As today,there's no Care Period and class starts at 9am and I woke up just 9am sharp.

Suppose this morning,around 6.30am,Joy called me and I told her my class start at 9am and went off to sleep as I slept early in the morning and damn tired.

At 9am,Tine called me and I woke up and listen and I told her I will be late and asked her to inform Ms Chin.After which,I went to prepare and took cab down to school again.Haha...

Waste a lot of $$ at cab fare ah,Help me!!!

After which,when I reached school,I went to class B2205 and Ms Chin asked me why am I late?I told her I overslept and she said not oversea?I just smile and told her that it is next week.

After which,the lesson starts.After her lesson,is the Mrs Ang's class and she came in late at about 11.20 and while waiting for her,I slept and when she came,I woke up and saw almost the whole class is sleeping.Damn boring,I went back to sleep...Haha...

After the class which ended at 4pm,I took train to Woodlands to grandma house for dinner.At grandma house,I did my project and after that,at around 7.30pm,Brother,sister and I went back home.Sister took train back home while brother and I took cab back home.

Upon arriving,I asked brother to go back home while I went to buy medicine,logenzes as my throat still in pain.After which,I saw Amelyn and waiting with her for Long as she is miting him.

Thank God,I managed to finish my projects and tomorrow let Ms Chin see and if there's no mistake,I will be printing on Friday,just before I went off.Hehe...

Thank God for blessing me and His protection upon me.

Jun,thanks for guiding me along the whole projects even when you are busy with your work.
Meien,thanks for helping me along the projects even the next day you still have to work.
Joy,thanks for prayer and encouraging me when I felt like giving up.

Sista of G12,thanks for your prayers and thank God to have you all in my life.

I love you all.Will be missing you all very much...

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