08 November 2006

Again so pissed off

Today,our lesson ended at 4pm and we took bus 99 back home and I reached home at 4.30pm.

At 4.35pm,Mrs Ang called my handphone and told me that tomorrow reheasal is at 3.30pm instead of 3pm.I was like huh?again last minutes change...I was so pissed off and after I hung the phone with her,I called Hazel and told her and also Cherish and Aisha.As for Kris and Fifi,Cherish informed them and for Ilah,Aisha informed.

After which,I online played maple and played till around 6 plus,I went off and had my dinner as I was so hungry as I ate my meals in the morning around 8.45am after Mrs Ang lesson,the care period.

After my meals,and in the evening,Tine msn me saying that OIT projects had done finished and sent to my email and I went in to look after I played me game till around 10pm.

Finally,finished but tomorrow had to let others see.

Tine,thanks...Bei Bei,thanks...

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