21 November 2006

Thanks Sista

Last Sunday night,I slept very early,I slept at around 12am sharp or so...Haha...

Today,while Ms chin going through the projects,I slept in the class as in the morning,before I went to school,I ate my medicine and it caused me downzy.At 11am,we had or push-cart time.This week is our first day of push-cart as last few weeks,we were doing Co-op.My duty is handing cash.Mary and Jia Jia doing the cookies and brownies.Tine and Hannah doing mashed potato.Zhong Yi and Azmi doing the drinks,Pomoleo and Milo.Today,Azmi did not come so only Zhong Yi alone but thank God as there's one students from either RA or RB came and help.Vick and Nirmal came out and helped Zhong Yi to do the washing of Milo and Pomoleo things together with either RA or RB friend.Today,we sold all the 9 cookies and brownies and we pack up as no more to sell,left the drinks so we packed up and thank God for watching over us as I did not short any money and it's Tally.So happy.

Today,we had OIT test from 2.30-3.50pm and thank God,I managed to finish it on time.

After my school,Tine and I went to Clementi Interchange as Tine wana return her comic,after which,Tine accompanied me to IMM as I need to wind-breaker for my trip this coming Friday.
Thanks Tine for accompined me.

While waiting for the shuttle bus,Jun called me and she passed the phone to Joy and no tell me and again it's like the game again that time at City Link again.Haha...

I reached home at 6.30pm.

After I had my dinner,I went into my room and started to do my projects.

Dearest sista,Jun and Meien,
Thanks for your help and info.Thank God for you all...I love you all,G12 sista...

Till now,I still had not finished my projects,Hehe...and started to write my blog as I wanted to rest so I came in and type.

So Stress and going crazy soon...

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