23 November 2006

Again Fish-bone

This morning,I woke up at 7.40am and I went to prepare after I woke up.Haha....as usual,late for class.At about 8am,I took my lift down and walked very slow to take cab to school as I don't wish to go class for this lesson.When I about to reach school,I messaged Tine and asked her who is in the class and has Mrs Ang reach?She told me that she has reach and only 10 of them is in the class not include me.I reach scho0l at 8.25am.

Today, our class is in SMART room 3,it's also a com room. After a while only 1 came in and it's Vick at about 8.40am. After which,I'm here writing my blog.I don't care of what fish-bone diagram,she is talking as she has been talking this thing for don't know how many weeks since I'm sick on that day.Fish-bone,Fish-bone,What the heck is that???

Now,I'm in E-tutor but I don't feel like doing anything in there as so bored...Just wana do my own things....Haha...

Only this TKS lesson,I don't wish to study as it's so boring...Boring lesson,do you all agree with me? Lame and bored lesson and sian and can make me sleep in the lesson teacher...

Other lesson,I will do my best to do and achieve it.Hoping my I.A is not her inviglate otherwise I will faint and don't feel like working...Praying Hard.

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