19 November 2006

Bible Study at Joy's house

Yesterday,I received a card from Post Office and asked me to go collect and this morning at about 9.30am,I stepped out of my house and took bus 335 to Post Office at Blk 492.I collected the mail and it's Giordano sending me and I open the letter and found out that is my back up copy of my Agreements.

Today,Poh Cheng came my house at around 11am and we had our breakfast at my house opposite at Blk 442,I ate carrot cake while Poh Cheng ate rice.After we finished our breakfast,Poh Cheng came to my house and we left my house at about 2pm and took bus 187 to Lakeside MRT as it's drizzling.

While in the train,Poh Cheng and I slept in it and we reached Tampines at 3.20pm,we were late as we mit Jun at 3pm.So at about 2.30pm,I messaged Jun that we will be late and she messaged me back that she went for a walk and when we reached,call her.

When we reached Tampines,I called Jun and we mit her at the McDonald and we went to 奇迹 to have our lunch.I did not eat as I'm not hungry and only Jun and Poh Cheng ate.Poh Cheng bought me barley drink and I drank it.

Thanks Poh Cheng...

After we finished eating,we went to the taxi stands and took taxi to Joy's house.The driver is very naughty as Jun asked her to turn to the right and he replied he can't turned as there's 2 white lines and will deduct 6 points if kenna caught. What a bull-shit?As there's sign showing only can't U-Turn and not can't turn right.So mad and blur in the first place but Jun said forget it then I just obey her words.The trip is $ 4.60 and Jun paid for it.How I know?Haha...I saw the meters and it's shown.

When we were in Joy's house,we used her living room and Jun taught the bible words in James 4:1-17.Before we study the Word of God,we had a special Praise and worship.Jun asked us to name A-Z as in the praise and worship form of God.It's a very special Praise and Worship.I really like it but I kept can't form it and they helped me along.Thanks... Jun read James 4:1-5,Poh Cheng read verse 6-10,I read verse 11-15 and Joy read verse 16-17.

This afternoon,our bible study talks about submitted wills to God and our behaviour.Jun asked us to talk about areas that we are not really submitted to God and talk about it.After that,Jun prayed for us.The whole bible study,I was coughing like hell.Keep coughing and coughing till I have to take my logenzes.

After that,Joy prepared potato salad for us.Jun kept give me as I did not have my lunch.After that,we went to take bus back.Jun and Poh Cheng took bus 31 respectivity back home while I took bus 23 to Bugis. I reached Bugis at about 8am and went up to 17th floor to look for Pris as I miting her.

During the miting,I went out of the house and called Jun about tomorrow's miting at Joy's house after the service.After that,I asked her where is she?She told me that she is buying flowers.I wonder and said "flowers?"She told me that her mother in-law fall down and hurt her legs.

Praying that God will heal her fast.

After I put down the phone with Jun,Joy called me and I told her about Jun's mother in-law fell down and hurt her leg.After awhile,we put down the phone and I went back.

After the miting,Pris,her sister and I went down to eat and after we finished,we went up and waited for Geraldine and we make a move at around 10 plus and I took MRT back home alone while they all took bus.

I reached home at about 2 plus as I saw Pei Ying and took her to 7-11 to buy things and stayed for awhile before going back home.Geraldine and Pris messaged me asking me Am I back home?I called Geraldine and chatted with her for awhile and Pris,I messaged her.Heehee...

When I'm back home,I did my work which Ms Chin asked us to do and that is look for questions on Job interview questions for the next projects.I found till around 4am then I finished searching all.And here I'm writing my blog.

Later have to wake up early as going to church for service at 9am at Expo...Prasing God!!!

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