16 November 2006

Bringing my new bag to school

This morning,I woke up at about 9am.I did not attend 8-10am class as it's Mrs Ang lesson and she went to course and there's relief teacher but I did not go as I still not reali well.I went for Ms Chin lesson at 10am-12pm lesson.

I brought my new bag which Jun bought for me yesterday to school today.When I reached class B2203,Zhong Yi told me that my pink bag is nice and if I wear red and it matches my bag.I told him that my red Polo Tee not yet washed.So today,I wore the school uniform to school.

Zhong Yi,thanks for your comments... :)

I preapred till I late for school so I took cab down.It's cost $5.40 and I reached class at about 10.05am.Today,Ms Chin let us go early at 11.30pm as there's band performance at MPH. After Ms Chin's lesson,I went to look for my SW teacher,Ms Choo and told her that I won be going for her lesson as I not feeling well and she approved it.So I took bus 99 back home alone as others went to SW.

I reached home and on my computer and went to sleep.After which,my hand phone message ring and Tine told me that her com modem can't work and they(Hazel and her) later come to my house and do projects. I went to my laptop and could not connect into Internet and I messaged her then she told me that need not internet.

After which,I went back to sleep.At about 1 plus,Hazel called me and I opened the door for her and Tine came to my house later as she went back home and take her changer as her hand phone low battery.

After which,we did our CDP projects.At about 4.30pm,we went down to KFC and eat as Hazel and Tine is hungry and I also bought Fish Ole at $3.95 and then Hazel went to work,later she will be coming to my house and we had to contuine to do our projects.Hazel will be staying overnight at my place.

Tine went back home at about 8 plus and I accompany her down and I also went back to the clinic to see if I can get MC for tomorrow as I still not well.In the end,Dr Fong not approve my MC and asked me to see doctor again.So sad,tomorrow still have to go school.

Hmm...think tomorrow if I can't take it,will go to sleep in Ms Chin lesson...

Now still having cough and cough like hell...think going to die soon ah...cough and cough can die de lei...

God,I pray that You will heal me.Let Your healing power be upon me.Thank God for the blessing.In Jesus name,I pray.Amen

Later in the night,Hazel came to my house after her work at about 10.50pm,she reached my house and we started to contiune to do our remaining projects.But before we started to do,we set alarm in our handphone just in case we overslept.After that,we then did our projects.

I shall ended here first as need to do our CDP Projects...Later got time,then I shall update!!! :)

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