06 November 2006

Boring Lesson On Monday Morning

This morning,I woke up at about 7am and as usual late for school today.Maybe last night ate medicine and dozed off and the medicine may not finished up.So I prepared everything and went to school at 7.35am.I reached school at 8.15am.Thank God,it's improving although it's late.

Today,Wai Wai and Jia Jia was not here as they had 'O' level(Private).Today, is their 1st day of O level.

When I reached school this morning,I wished Tine "HAPPY BIRTHDAY' and it's Ms Chin lesson but she is not here as she went on course.So I was bored and went to have my breakfast shortly after I reached school.I called Jun this morning while she is on the bus going to work.

I went down to canteen alone as Tine,Bei Bei,Hazel,Mary,they all don't want to go down.So I sat with Joyce,Ilah and Aisha.

After I had my breakfast,I went back to class B2203 and did my work and messaged Jun 'Good night' and I dozed off to sleep after finished my work.

At 10am,we had our break,and stayed at canteen till about 11am,Cherish called me and asked me to call Kris and went with her to Student Council to try 'Blazzar for Friday event,Giodano scholar'.After which,Hazel and me walked to Co-op and had our duty.

Hazel was not on duty today as she had things on for the 'Giodano Scholar thing'.After which,it's OIT lesson and had our lesson till 4pm and we took bus 99 back home.

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