08 November 2006

Angry in the morning!!!

This morning,Tine called me and woke me up and I woke up after I put down the phone with her after 15 minutes,then I woke up and went to prepare.At 7.15am,I went down to the bus-stop,hoping that I can meet up with Tine and Mary but while I was downstair,I then realised that I did not bring my student-pass so I went back home to take.In the end,I had not able to meet them.

I reached school at 8.10am and when I stepped into the class B2207,Mrs Ang told the scholars that tomorrow there's a rehearsal at 3pm and I was like huh??WTF,I was so angry as I mit my friend tomorrow as tomorrow supposed to release early as tomorrow there's theory test for SW after which,we can go back.Damn...lol...yesterday morning,she knew it and did not tell us when yesterday,we went to meet her.She said that she forget about it as there's lots of things to tell.Damn lol...not much things to tell lol,only going through the contract and proceduces of our attire,that's all lol.That's also called alot of things mah????Damn Idoit,so angry...

Today,my mood not so good... :(

If you have any idea of what you wana say to me,do left me a comments.Thx...

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