22 August 2006

Thanks Sistas for Your Encouragement

Hi sistas,

Really thanks for your encouragements.Thank for praying for me while I'm having exam or presentations or role-play.

Really being blessed in this cell and this church,FCBC.Thank God for putting you,all in my life.

Sis Joy, this message is for you:
I wana thank you for inviting me to FCBC when you know that I been backsliding out of church. It was you who encourage me when I'm down or when I'm having trouble.You will never fail to be by my side,Sis.Thanks God for putting you in my life.You really make a impact in my life. Thank God for you who never fails to ask me to open up my heart and say out how I feel.You will be there just for me whenever I need help.

Sis Jun, this message is for you:
I wana thank you for being here when I need help or advice.Thanks for helping me to open up my hearts to say out my problems or difficulties I'm facing.Thanks for your encouragment. Thank God for putting you in my life also.Sis,I still remember the first time I met you.You slowly opened up my heart to God.To let me know the purpose of what I am known in this world...You are like my sister to me and not leader who I can happily talk to.

Sis Yilin,this message is for you:
I wana thank God for putting you in my life.Thanks for your encouragement whenever I'm down.I always remember after the cell meeting at the bus-stop,when we talked about out things out to each other.You will never fail to listen to my problems or my happiness.Thank God for you.

Sis Joanne,this message is for you:
I wana thank God for you as you always never fail to be there whenever I need help.I still remember on that day when Jun introduced you to me when we are in town.How Jun told me that you accept Christ in your heart,I was so happy for you.Thank God for putting you in my life.Still remember the first word we said.It's like a joyful moments as after the first word,we can talk a lots of things...So memorable.

Sis Jocelyn,this message is for you:
Thank God for you in my life,although our talk is less but every word you say really warms my heart with love.I still remember the first time I met you.It's after one of the service and you are there sitting on the table outside the foyer.You smile at me.Your smile makes me feel warm. Thank God for you.

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