06 August 2006

Service and dinner at Woodlands

This morning, I woke up at 7am and immediately went to bath and prepared to go Expo for service. I reached Expo at around 9.05am. I was late as the service start at 9am. I was late for 5 minutes.

At around 11am, Kristine sms me that she won’t be able to join me for the service in the afternoon, 1.30pm as her mum don’t allow her to go. She was sob in her message but I told her it’s ok and asked her don’t sob in reply. Although I was sad but I know that bible does say that we have to honors our parents and I really wana thank God as Kristine msn me that asking me of the time to service and I know that she really wana go. But I pray that God will do another miracle to let Kristine come for service again and will soften her mum’s heart. Amen!!!

After the service, I took train to woodland and took bus 900 to my grandma house. When I reached my grandma house, I was starved to death as I was very hungry and grandma cooked nice and delicious food. Yummy!!! There were prawns, fried chicken wings and chicken curry. NICE, NICE, YUMMY, YUMMY…

After having my breakfast and lunch, I played my laptop for a while and went to sleep as very tired and I let my cousin played my laptop while I went to rest.

Around 7pm, we went to the field next to Christ Church Secondary School and Singapore Sports Centre; we had our dinner over there. It’s called Admiralty National Day Celebration 2006 and our ticket number is from 2291-2300 and our table number was 270. We had fun over there. I really enjoyed myself. After the dinner, mummy, brother, sister and I took cab back home. We reached home around 11 plus.

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