04 August 2006

Lost my handphone

Today, after school, I went home and rested for awhile and had my dinner before going to SIS (Singapore Indoor Stadium), the Festival of Praise-CHC. Before going to SIS, I went to met Mint and went together. We were late and we took cab to SIS at Tanjong Pagar. When, we were in the cab, I found out that my bottle spilled off water and I immediately took all my things in my bag and cleaned my bag. My bible was wet and all the things were also wet.

When I reached SIS, I discovered that my handphone was not with me. I quickly went out to call mummy and told her that I lost my handphone and after which, I called the Singtel hotline (1626) to inform them about my lost handphone. After I put down the phone, I called Jun and told her about my handphone was lost. We chatted till about the service almost ended.

When I went into the stadium, I saw Jie Ying came out and she walked to the washroom and I followed her. After which, in the washroom, I saw Sis Selena and Esther walking to the washroom.

After the service, Esther, Jie Ying and I took train back home. When we reached home, I quickly went to find the things of my handphone and went down with Esther to the Police Station to make a report. After that, we went back home.

During the whole night, I couldn’t sleep.

So sad and feel wana cry out. Sob…

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