17 August 2006


Today,I woke up at 7am and started to connect to MSN,as tine and I decided not to go for morning lesson which is SES lesson. We met at 8am at her Mac there for our breakfast but I was late. I reached there at 8.30am as I told my granny to do my bag. After our breakfast, we walked to my house there, the Yunnan Minimart as tine wana purchase file for Alpha project need,after which we walked to the Polyclinic the bus stop and took bus 99 to school.

We reached school around 9.45am and we proceeded to our locker to take our books. We saw that how come our class did not come down for the break? We were puzzled and I saw Ivy walking in to the canteen and I called her and asked her which classroom. After which, Vani called Ivy and told her that they were in 2208 and we took lift up to level 2 and into the classroom.

When we reached the classroom,we saw Mrs Ang was in there already and started the video of the Retail Assistant show. After which,we then knew that they had their break at 9am as SES lesson ended early at 9am,1 hour of lesson.

After the lesson,I stayed back and helped Mrs Ang to pack her things and took to the office. At the office,I saw Mrs Wo which is our SES teacher,she asked me why I did not attend her lesson, I told her I overslept and she asked what about my gang?I ???,then she said Bei Ying and Kristine,I told her that they also overslept and I apologise to her.And went for my break.

After the lesson of CTR,we had our SW lesson and we have to run our 2.4km,NAFAR test.

Really have to give my thanks to God as after the second round,I twisted my right leg and I was hardly able to run. The lady who gave us the sticks encouraged me to run and I told her my leg pain.Thanks for your encouragement,my friend although I did not know you. While I was running, I kept on praying that GOD,YOU have to help me,my leg was in pain and I don't think I can finish it.God,help me,I wana run,protect me. And indeed,God is a good God,He help me to run the race as I can feel that He was just beside me.

After the run, my SW teacher,Ms Choo, said 'good'. Again,I was puzzled but I did not care as my leg was very pain and I rested and started to twist it back as it was an old injury as when I was in Secondary School,I have hurt my right leg before and can be twisted back.Haha...scary hor...

After I knew my timing,I went to take a look at my grade of the NAFAR. I saw mine was 16:30 and got 3 points. I was very happy despite my leg was still in pain.

God,it was You who done this miracle for me.Thank You, Lord!!! I love You,Lord. You are my GOD,my only ONE. Without You,I don't think I can make it. Praise the LORD!!!!!

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