19 August 2006

God's Conformation

This morning, my gappy woke me up at 8.10am as yesterday night; we already arranged to go out this morning at 9am to Jurong East, (IMM International Mega Mart). Last night, I slept at about 3.30am. But thank God as I was able to wake up when gappy called immediately as I usually were lied on the bed for a few minutes before I can really woke up.

When I finished preparing, I just rushed out of my house without praying 'the prayer of "Amour"' When I was waiting for the bus to come and took me to Jurong East, I messaged gappy where to meet up as I that time, my whole brain was like can’t work. But gappy did not replied back so I decided to call her and just enough she went back to sleep and I told her that you have made appointment with me. Gappy then quickly went to prepare and we mit at about 9.10am. We went to coffeeshop and had our breakfast. We had 'Kway Chup' and gappy treated me. I feel so blessed and I thanked her.

After our breakfast, we walked to IMM, the Giant, as gappy wana bought things. I bought Campbell’s mushroom soup (can) and also biscuit tuna. After purchase, we went up to Daiso as gappy wana bought things. She went in to buy her things alone and I timed her 20 minutes as just now in Giant, we bought a lot of things and we even pushed the Giant’s trolley up to Daiso. After 20 minutes, I called gappy and she told me coming out soon. After which, we went down to level 1 to see her hair clips but there’s nothing she likes, so we went up to level 3 again but now going to the pet shop as she wana bought foods for Cookie, her dog. After which, we went down to level 1 again and this time, we walked around the IMM building and we stopped at the store called ‘Minitoons’ and gappy went in to buy her hairclips. After which, we took cab, SMART cab back to gappy's house. At gappy house, I turned on my laptop and wanted to play. Tine msn me and said that Hannah changed the presentation and I was like WTF and asked tine did she asked Jiajia's opinion and tine said she did not. I was like bursting and in the end, she told me that tine and I asked her to change and I asked her when did I say so? She msn me said that she thought so ma. I was like so angry till wanted to cry and WTF lol. I didn't even say so lol. I even asked her that she wana make me angry again, is it? Then she replied me 'sorry'. If I didn't asked her, will she apologise to me? I wonder...

After that, I feel like don't wana go cell as so angry with the matter! Gappy and tine encouraged me to go and gappy said that “It is not God who do you wrong?" This word makes me think that am I doing wrong? I even felt like smoking and drinking and felt like going to her house and bashed or gave her a tight slap but I did not do it and I went to cell.

Gappy and I walked to Chinese Garden as she mit her Law at the station and we went to take train to Clementi and they accompanied me to take bus 14 as I went to cell and they had their walk at Clementi.

During the journey, I was so angry and I tried to cool myself down but it seemed doesn't work so I listened to worship song in my cd and took out my bible and read ‘Proverbs”. After I have cooled down, I sms Joy as I just now so angry that I shouted at her to apologise to her. She called me and asked me where am I? I told her that I was at Plaza Sing and she said that her place there raining and asked me town area is there raining, I told her don't have.

When I reached Katong, it was 3.45pm and I mit Yilin and Meien at 4pm. I sat at outside Katong Shopping Center to wait for them. When they reached, we walked to Jun house at Haig Court and started our cell.

At cell, Jun talked about 1 king 14:1-10 and this verse ponder me. Jun talked about the "dung" thing and we should set things above and not on images or other God. It's like God's confirmation to me that when trouble comes, I should go to Him and not cig or liquor. Thank God for His word and blessing. I reached home at 9pm.

P/S: Thank Tine and Gappy for your encouragement and all the things you've done for me.
Thank God for putting you both in my sight.

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