16 August 2006

Thank God for healing me

Wow... Since last Saturday, my last entry, I have not yet blog as I am sick since Saturday. I have sore throat and went to see doctor on Tuesday again as I have no voice to talk. Thank God for protecting and healing me as yesterday, the whole day, I can’t speak but today at least I can talk but very soft. Sorry to my dear friends as they had a hard time listening to my words…

God, thank for your healing power to be upon me. You are our Jehovah Rophe, our healer.

Today, after school, I went to Clementi Interchange alone to deposit $ to my bank in order for my hp bills. Kristine went back home alone as she was tired. After which I went to look for Amelyn as she is working at I.P Zone at Clementi. Just in time for her dinner and I waited for her. We went to MacDonald to have her dinner.

Around 5.45pm, we decided to go off as she went to work and I went to take bus. While waiting for bus, Joy called me and we chatted. I took bus 105 to Jurong East, near IMM, the bus stop to alight and waited for bus 333 to ride to Jurong East, the market near Polyclinic and took bus 198 back home.

Mummy called me and told me to buy dinner back home as electricity begin cut off and no electricity to cook. Haiz, again and it became our routine. I bought porridge back home and had my dinner. I reached home around 7pm.

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