25 August 2006

Drug Abuse Talk in school

Today,there was a talk in school at 10am and we have to go to LT for the talk and it was compulsory.Attendence was marked on that day.

This morning lesson,we ended early at 9.30am,supposely our break was 9.45am.That's was early...Haha...As our teacher,Ms Lim was not feeling so well.We went to canteen to eat.At 10am, we went to LT to listen to the talk.It was about DRUG ABUSE.It ended at 11.30am,after we came out of LT,Mrs Tay told us that we had to stay in school for our next lesson or till 12pm as we ended our lesson at 12pm.

So Tine,Cherish and I decided to go do our 5 stations(NAFA) while Shayne went back home as he was not feeling well and as for HAZEL,MARY,SOK WAI,HANNAH,they all waited in the canteen till 12pm then they all went to Hannah's house first to do the SBM projects while Tine and I went to Hannah's house after our NAFA.

During our NAFA,we did shuttle run 1st,I was happy as I love shuttle run.HIPEE....I was the 1st one to run and I did pretty good.Thx God for the blessing.Sorry friends,can't really remember what the score of it.

When it was Tine's turn,she had a fall and hurt both her knees and I brought her to the washroom to clean her wounds.Oh dear...she was in pain till cried.

While helping Tine to clean her wounds,Aisha went into the washroom and told me that Mrs Ang was looking for me and asked me to call her regarding the Giodano Interview.

I was like abit surprise and told myself;'What,1 pm interview'?I was not prepared but I still go. After that,I asked Aisha to take care of Tine,while I went to locker to call Mrs Ang.

After the 5 stations,we went to canteen to had a rest as we finished at 12.30pm.During the waiting,I called Mrs Ang and asked her about the interviewer what time they came,where to meet and so for.....
Mrs Ang did asked about Tine's leg.

At 1pm,I went to the Admin to check as I did call Mrs Ang and she told me that they was not here yet.But I had a feel that they was here,so Tine and I walked to Admin and I saw them.

After a while,Mrs Ang was there.We were taken to the classroom for our interview.

Mrs Ang asked me if I'm ready for the interview.I told her that MUST HAVE FAITH. When I was about to pray,Mrs Ang asked me to go over,interview started.I was like HUH!I haven't pray yet.But I was bodly went to the interviewer.

At first,everything went smoothly till after about 5mins later,I started to have no peace in my heart and I was like don't know what to tell the interviewer but I tried my best to calm myself down.

After the interview,I messaged Joy and told her about it. After the interview,Tine and I went to took bus 99 to go Hannah's house to do projects.

Supposely today,I have prayer meeting at Braddell but I did not go.

After the projects,HAZEL,MARY,SOK WAI,TINE & I went to have our dinner.

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