24 August 2006

Suppose to have Nafa Test for my 5 stations

Today,after my lesson,we had SW lesson.We changed into our attire and went to the P.E room to wait for NAFA.As we were waiting,our teacher,Ms Choo was not in so we waited for another teacher to take over.

Nevertherless,the teacher who is taking over our class,was hang with other classes also.She was hang with 3 classes,i think,not included us.So some of us decided to do it tommorrow which is Friday,after our lesson.As our lesson tommorrow ended early.

After we let the teacher know,we walked off.I went to take bus 99 to go gappy's house.As she was not feeling well,I was worried for her.After that evening,took her to see doc. near her house.

Doc. gave her 2 days MC as her doc. said she got grastic flu.After which,I took bus 335 back home.

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