21 August 2006

Had talk with Hannah after school

This morning,I overslept.I slept till 6.45am then woke up as my brother knocked at my door and I realised that it was 6.45am and I quickly sms Tine and told her that i will be late miting her as yesterday night,I did not slept well.

After I bath,I sms Tine that I don't feel like going to school and I had to go as today I had Role-play and Presentation on RTO & EFC(combine).

I dragged myself to the bus-stop and mit Tine at her bus-stop and we took bus 99 to school. In the bus,I took out my bible to read as I felt very uncomfortable.I kept reading Eph 4:26-5:21 over again and again till I reached the school bus-stop.

During the lesson,Mrs Wo asked us wether we are ready for the role-play but we said not ready and she changed it to this Thursday as we decided to as we had not yet really prepared it.She changed it to lesson,so I just took out my book and left it on the table and started reading my bible; Eph 4:26-5:21 again.I did not listen to what teacher said.She saw what I reading but did not say anything about it.

After the break,we had SBM first and only a few was in the class of 2203,changed class to air-con room.After SBM,we had EFC and we had to present our presentation. We had 'sisscor,paper,stone' to decide which group started first.In the end,our group started first. After the presentation,Ms Lim did commend us about the presentation.She said that I was outspoken and really thank God for it as I did not prepare anything about the presentation.

The lesson ended early at about 3.40pm and we went to locker to put my books in and went to LT to talk about it. Beibei was there as she was waiting for her friend,Joey and Tine and Jiajia was there just to witness it.I even told her how I felt and asked her for the reason. Out of so many questions,most of the time,she keep quiet.Only answer a few of my questions. Of the last questions,I asked her that if she knows that I will be angry,why she did it the second time? She thought and thought for quite a long time and in the end,haha...you know what answer she gave me? She said "I don't know." I said,what?don't know? After a few minutes,I told her don't know then forget of talking le and I took my bag and walked off.

I was so angry that I saw a bus approached and took the bus without realised it what bus number I took and heading where?I really have no idea as I just wana get out of that place. Tine and Jiajia managed to board the bus of what I'm taking and they alighted at Clementi Interchange.They do asked me to alight but I ignore them as I was very angry.

After I cooled down abit,I sms Tine and Jiajia and apologised to them,and sms Tine that I had no idea of where I'm heading and bus number that I took.Tine replied me that I took bus 106 and it's heading to town.

Thanks Tine and Jiajia for being there.Really sorry for making both of you worried about me.

About to reached Plaza Sing,Joy called me as early on I sms her telling her that I finished my talk with her.She asked me how is the talk and I told her about it.

I walked int Carrefour and looked for my Puchi and she was about to go for her break and I told her of what had happened and she told me that she had resgined from her work and she had found a new job with better prospect which is at Changi Airport.

After her break,which is 6.15pm,she went back to her work while I went to Paradi Center to asked about the price of the Bazzar after that I took bus 14 to Queensway and did the same.

After that,I took bus 198 back home.During the journey,my handphone low battery and it was shut down and after I reached home,it was about 9.10pm and I started to charge my handphone.I found out that Jun,my leader called me and I returned her call and she asked me of the Saturday,cell things and also asked of my presentation and also of the talk with my friend.

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