05 August 2006

Helping Out & Taking Hp @ Hello Shop

Today, I have to go to work at 11am, just to help out. I helped in looking after the store and do some counter as my collegues have to have their lunch. After which, I just passed them the counter back, while I just look after the store.

Today, there was an ice-cream sale and Hazel and Mary came to 7-11 to buy ice-cream. Thanks Hazel and Mary for helping to buy ice-cream. The promoter went off at 2pm and I have to help in loading the ice-cream to full which I have done it but to my manager, it’s not full as the ice-cream box, there was only three-quarter full. They load at around 1 plus in the afternoon nearly to 2pm but HAIZ... Kenna said by manager. So sad, helped her to load and kenna said by her. What's wrong? Can"t consumer buy it? Of course, consumer buy and there’s why it’s lesser a bit. My manager said that the ice-cream box must be full when the promoter went off. How am I suppose to know it? This is my first time loading ice-cream lei... Everytime, I just helped in selling and looking after the ice-cream. HAIZ...

After work, its 6pm which I ended work, I went back home and went with mummy to West Mall Hello Shop to take back my free sim card as I lost it yesterday. While waiting for the queue, as the queue was long and the promoter took my mummy hp number as when the queue was approaching, they will sms my mum so that we won’t miss our queue number. When we were eating our dinner, the Hello Shop people sms my mummy hp and told us that our queue was coming. We hurried eating our food and went back to Hello Shop. Haha... We ate like never had before as we had it within 5 minutes. Fast, right???

After collecting our sim card, we went to NTUC Fair Price to buy something. After which, we took bus 187 back home. We reached home around 10 plus.

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