30 August 2006

Disobey Doctor's Word

Disobey Doctor's word

This morning,Tine woke me up.

P/S: Thanks Tine for waking me up.

Today,I just went to school as today had BAZZAR DAY.I disobey doctor advice.If I did not go, I will have to do this projects alone.Haiz...so no choice,I have to go.

Today our Bazzar Day started from 10am-2pm.It was a success.

During the Bazzar about 12 plus, my head started to pain and almost faint.Thank God for protecting me.I endured through the whole Bazzar.

P/S: Friends,thanks for making it a success.Thanks for your hard work!!!

After the Bazzar,we went to Jurong Point to celebrate Beibei's birthday.We went to KFC to celebrate.

After the celebrating,we went back home.I reached home downstair at 6.50pm and saw Jennifer and Weili downstair.

At 7pm,Weili went for tuition while Jennifer and I still downstair till 7.30pm and we both went up my house.Jennifer stayed at my house till around 10pm and went off to meet her Boi...

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