31 August 2006

No going to School

No going to school

Today,I did not go to school as I was still having headache.I stayed at home till afternoon.So bored at home but can't do anything.

The only thing I can do was lying on bed and on com.Haiz...

What to do?Only can rest and rest...sleep and sleep.

Today was a rainy day.So cold,stayed in my room whole day.

30 August 2006

Disobey Doctor's Word

Disobey Doctor's word

This morning,Tine woke me up.

P/S: Thanks Tine for waking me up.

Today,I just went to school as today had BAZZAR DAY.I disobey doctor advice.If I did not go, I will have to do this projects alone.Haiz...so no choice,I have to go.

Today our Bazzar Day started from 10am-2pm.It was a success.

During the Bazzar about 12 plus, my head started to pain and almost faint.Thank God for protecting me.I endured through the whole Bazzar.

P/S: Friends,thanks for making it a success.Thanks for your hard work!!!

After the Bazzar,we went to Jurong Point to celebrate Beibei's birthday.We went to KFC to celebrate.

After the celebrating,we went back home.I reached home downstair at 6.50pm and saw Jennifer and Weili downstair.

At 7pm,Weili went for tuition while Jennifer and I still downstair till 7.30pm and we both went up my house.Jennifer stayed at my house till around 10pm and went off to meet her Boi...

No going to school,go to see doctor

Today,I no went to school as I was still having headache.In the afternoon,I went to see doctor and waited quite long.Doctor gave me 2 days MC and I asked if I well tomorrow,can I go to school? But the doctor told me to rest at home.

After that I went back home and started to pack my things and went to Clementi as miting Priscillia at 6pm to study.

After miting her,we went to Lakeside Family Service as her classmate,Alvin brought us there. We played pool over there.Her classmate was also FCBC.

About 8 plus in the night,we left the place and Priscillia went back home while I bought dinner and ate at my house downstair and played my laptop.

In the night,around 11 pm,Amelyn came and looked for me,after awhile Steven,daddy was here.
We chatted about 1am and I went back home while daddy and Amelyn still down stair.

I went back and on laptop awhile then went to sleep.

29 August 2006


This morning,I went to school alone as Tine had MC for 2days.When I was in school,I was kenna hit by beibei's bag again and again.

After the lunch,we went to computer lab to do our SBM projects.When Fifi called me,and i went there,I did not see the wire box and fell down and knocked against the computer lab with my chin.

During EFC lesson,my head started to spin and I slept during her lesson.

After the class,I went to take bus to Clementi MRT travelling to Dobbhy Ghuat as went there to photocopy for my projects.After that went to Raffles Place as miting Priscillia and her sis for study.

During our studies at Burger King,I felt headache and I finished my panadol and did not put some in my bag so I endured.

During my studies,Jun and Joy called me asking me how am I feeling? and so on...

About 9pm,we stopped our studies and started to pack our things and went back home by train.

I reached home about 10pm.

27 August 2006

Late for Sunday Service

This morning,I met gappy and Esther 8am at Jurong East 1st cabin to go Expo together. After which,I callled gappy's phone but she did not pick up the phone so I called Esther to inform her about me will be late and asked them to go first as I forgot to bring my jacket so I went back to take.

After which,I took bus to Lakeside Mrt.When I was waiting for the train to come,I saw Jasmine,Mindy's sis.We took the train together till Dover her member boarded the train and we travelled together.

When we reached Expo,I went first as I was late for my service.After the service,Jocelyn called me,Jun and I went out to meet her and we prayed for her before miting Yilin as she went for the afternoon service.Jocelyn drove us there at Tampines as we mit Yilin at Tampines.

After which,we walked about 10 mins walk to Joy's house.After while,we went down to have our lunch with Joy at her market the hawker center.Aftre we had finished our lunch,we walked to the bus-stop as Yilin was going to Expo for her service as she did not go for the morning service.

After that,we walked back to Joy's house and stayed for awhile.Before we left the house,we prayed for Joy and after that,Jun prayed for Joy's sis and Joy went in and I played with Jerald.

After their prayer,Jun and I took cab back to Paya Lebar as Jun needed to go back.I was miting Priscillia 5.30pm at City Hall.But it was early so I went to the Paya Lebar opposite the Shopping Center.I walked till about 5pm and took train back to City Hall to meet Priscillia.We went for a walk.

26 August 2006

Captains Of Lives-Play

Today,I have to go City Hall as there was a play near the Suntec.Don't really know the name of the place.Sorry!!! I met Mary 9.30am at the 7-11 opposite me house.We had our breakfast there.After which,we went to 7-11 as Mary wana bought drinks. After which,we went to took train to City Hall as miting CHERISH,KRIS,FIFI,VICK,JULIAN,YANI at City Hall.

After which,we took the shuttle bus to the place.After the show,we went to had our lunch. After that,MARY,CHERISH and I walked to the bus-stop opposite Raffles City to take bus 14. MARY and I went to Cell while CHERISH went to Bedok to look or SHAYNE.

MARY and I walked to the Haig Courts and waited at the playground for JUN.After awhile, YILIN was here and together we waited for JUN.While waiting for JUN,I played with the kids at the playground.

After awhile,JUN came and we walked together to JUN's place.After which,our cell started.

After the cell,MARY,YILIN and I walked to the bus-stop and MARY and I took bus 32 to Commonwealth station and changed bus 198 back home.While YILIN took bus 40 back home.

I reached home around 8.30pm.

25 August 2006

Drug Abuse Talk in school

Today,there was a talk in school at 10am and we have to go to LT for the talk and it was compulsory.Attendence was marked on that day.

This morning lesson,we ended early at 9.30am,supposely our break was 9.45am.That's was early...Haha...As our teacher,Ms Lim was not feeling so well.We went to canteen to eat.At 10am, we went to LT to listen to the talk.It was about DRUG ABUSE.It ended at 11.30am,after we came out of LT,Mrs Tay told us that we had to stay in school for our next lesson or till 12pm as we ended our lesson at 12pm.

So Tine,Cherish and I decided to go do our 5 stations(NAFA) while Shayne went back home as he was not feeling well and as for HAZEL,MARY,SOK WAI,HANNAH,they all waited in the canteen till 12pm then they all went to Hannah's house first to do the SBM projects while Tine and I went to Hannah's house after our NAFA.

During our NAFA,we did shuttle run 1st,I was happy as I love shuttle run.HIPEE....I was the 1st one to run and I did pretty good.Thx God for the blessing.Sorry friends,can't really remember what the score of it.

When it was Tine's turn,she had a fall and hurt both her knees and I brought her to the washroom to clean her wounds.Oh dear...she was in pain till cried.

While helping Tine to clean her wounds,Aisha went into the washroom and told me that Mrs Ang was looking for me and asked me to call her regarding the Giodano Interview.

I was like abit surprise and told myself;'What,1 pm interview'?I was not prepared but I still go. After that,I asked Aisha to take care of Tine,while I went to locker to call Mrs Ang.

After the 5 stations,we went to canteen to had a rest as we finished at 12.30pm.During the waiting,I called Mrs Ang and asked her about the interviewer what time they came,where to meet and so for.....
Mrs Ang did asked about Tine's leg.

At 1pm,I went to the Admin to check as I did call Mrs Ang and she told me that they was not here yet.But I had a feel that they was here,so Tine and I walked to Admin and I saw them.

After a while,Mrs Ang was there.We were taken to the classroom for our interview.

Mrs Ang asked me if I'm ready for the interview.I told her that MUST HAVE FAITH. When I was about to pray,Mrs Ang asked me to go over,interview started.I was like HUH!I haven't pray yet.But I was bodly went to the interviewer.

At first,everything went smoothly till after about 5mins later,I started to have no peace in my heart and I was like don't know what to tell the interviewer but I tried my best to calm myself down.

After the interview,I messaged Joy and told her about it. After the interview,Tine and I went to took bus 99 to go Hannah's house to do projects.

Supposely today,I have prayer meeting at Braddell but I did not go.

After the projects,HAZEL,MARY,SOK WAI,TINE & I went to have our dinner.

24 August 2006

Suppose to have Nafa Test for my 5 stations

Today,after my lesson,we had SW lesson.We changed into our attire and went to the P.E room to wait for NAFA.As we were waiting,our teacher,Ms Choo was not in so we waited for another teacher to take over.

Nevertherless,the teacher who is taking over our class,was hang with other classes also.She was hang with 3 classes,i think,not included us.So some of us decided to do it tommorrow which is Friday,after our lesson.As our lesson tommorrow ended early.

After we let the teacher know,we walked off.I went to take bus 99 to go gappy's house.As she was not feeling well,I was worried for her.After that evening,took her to see doc. near her house.

Doc. gave her 2 days MC as her doc. said she got grastic flu.After which,I took bus 335 back home.

23 August 2006

Finally Decided

Today,I finally decided to go school but I was late as I overslept,I woke up at 7.15am and that was waken up by my brother who knocked at my door.As last night,I did not sleep well as wondering today should I go to school not, wonder and wonder till very late then I slept.

I reached school,it was already 8.20am and L20 was marked at my attendance.Today, as I just stepped into the class and saw Jiali, I apologised to her as I made her worried.I had no role play presentation while others had so I just either slept in class or doing work which SES teacher gave me.

Today,my mood was like not really so good but the day was ok lol...So sad,she did not apologise to me and I think back; Is it worth it while I was like suffering from insomia and she was like nothing happened to her? Am I really affected by her actions or words?After a serious thought, I had a conclousion from it.Don't think,it's worth it...I'm just doing harm to my body as not sleeping well. My body is a temple of God and I had to take care of it.I'm responsible for it.Amen!!I will try my best to sleep in the night well so friends do not worry about me.

Thanks friends for being there for me!!!Love You all.

22 August 2006

Thank God for postpone the role-play

This morning,i woke up at 6.40am as Joy called me to wake up as last night slept very late about 4 plus in the morning.This few night I could not sleep since Saturday night,the incident happened.I was very tired but just can't sleep no matter how I prayed and listened to Christian Songs and at last I slept le.

After I prepared and went to school,I was late for class but Mrs Ang let us went for our breakfast.Mary and I went for our breakfast while others stayed in class.We went with Mrs Ang for our breakfast and Mrs Ang treat us carrot cake.Thank God for the blessing.

After the breakfast,we went for our lesson and almost after the lesson ended,there was a spot check and the teacher needed to check our bag and attire. I was like shocked as I have a lighter with me as my friend that time put it in my bag as she needed me to hide it for her.

Thank God as she did not find it. At 10.50am,we requested Mrs Ang as Tine,Julian,Waiwai,Hazel,Kris,Beibei,Zhong Yi and Rahby.We went off first as we had either Co-op or pushcart.

During CTR lesson,I'm so scared that I had my role-play later on as I from group 5 changed to group 4 as Beibei group only she came others no come.So worried & scared that my turn was here today although I had prepared it but mentally not yet.

I prayed to God that asking He to annoit me of wisdom and understanding and what I speak of is the word that was right. In the end,my turn had postponed to Thursday.Thank God for the blessing.

Hmm...Wonder tomorrow wana go school not???

Co-Op if not...

Today, I had co-op if not,I don't feel like going to school as my mood is not so good,feeling really down as yesterday had a talk with her and my mood is like wana run away but I just can't do it as this won't do me any good.

So this morning,I just went to school and attended the lesson. Today,I have co-op duty with Kristine,Bei Ying,Kris and Julian.We five of us but Ivy did come along.After the co-op,we went to class for our SBM and also CTR.

I'm so scared as today Jiali did not come to school as she was having Oral for her O level.So in the end,we had to skip Bei Ying group as only she was present,others were not here. Our group was group 5 but in the end,we had to move up and now our group was in group 4.

I was so scared that I went out of the classroom and started to pray for God's wisdom and understanding upon me and my group.After the pray,my heart just don't feel so good so I sms Joy about it and she sms me back. Out of a sudden,I felt that God is here as I felt His presence as I no longer so tight up and felt relax abit.It's like assuring me something but just can't say out what is the things.

After awhile,either my friend or teacher(sorry,forget it) just came into the class and announced that other group which had not present,will be Thursday.I was like so happy as our group not really ready in the first place although I did read it up. I immeiately sms Joy to tell her that my role-play was postponed to Thursday.

Thank God...Hee...Hee...

Thanks Sistas for Your Encouragement

Hi sistas,

Really thanks for your encouragements.Thank for praying for me while I'm having exam or presentations or role-play.

Really being blessed in this cell and this church,FCBC.Thank God for putting you,all in my life.

Sis Joy, this message is for you:
I wana thank you for inviting me to FCBC when you know that I been backsliding out of church. It was you who encourage me when I'm down or when I'm having trouble.You will never fail to be by my side,Sis.Thanks God for putting you in my life.You really make a impact in my life. Thank God for you who never fails to ask me to open up my heart and say out how I feel.You will be there just for me whenever I need help.

Sis Jun, this message is for you:
I wana thank you for being here when I need help or advice.Thanks for helping me to open up my hearts to say out my problems or difficulties I'm facing.Thanks for your encouragment. Thank God for putting you in my life also.Sis,I still remember the first time I met you.You slowly opened up my heart to God.To let me know the purpose of what I am known in this world...You are like my sister to me and not leader who I can happily talk to.

Sis Yilin,this message is for you:
I wana thank God for putting you in my life.Thanks for your encouragement whenever I'm down.I always remember after the cell meeting at the bus-stop,when we talked about out things out to each other.You will never fail to listen to my problems or my happiness.Thank God for you.

Sis Joanne,this message is for you:
I wana thank God for you as you always never fail to be there whenever I need help.I still remember on that day when Jun introduced you to me when we are in town.How Jun told me that you accept Christ in your heart,I was so happy for you.Thank God for putting you in my life.Still remember the first word we said.It's like a joyful moments as after the first word,we can talk a lots of things...So memorable.

Sis Jocelyn,this message is for you:
Thank God for you in my life,although our talk is less but every word you say really warms my heart with love.I still remember the first time I met you.It's after one of the service and you are there sitting on the table outside the foyer.You smile at me.Your smile makes me feel warm. Thank God for you.

21 August 2006

Had talk with Hannah after school

This morning,I overslept.I slept till 6.45am then woke up as my brother knocked at my door and I realised that it was 6.45am and I quickly sms Tine and told her that i will be late miting her as yesterday night,I did not slept well.

After I bath,I sms Tine that I don't feel like going to school and I had to go as today I had Role-play and Presentation on RTO & EFC(combine).

I dragged myself to the bus-stop and mit Tine at her bus-stop and we took bus 99 to school. In the bus,I took out my bible to read as I felt very uncomfortable.I kept reading Eph 4:26-5:21 over again and again till I reached the school bus-stop.

During the lesson,Mrs Wo asked us wether we are ready for the role-play but we said not ready and she changed it to this Thursday as we decided to as we had not yet really prepared it.She changed it to lesson,so I just took out my book and left it on the table and started reading my bible; Eph 4:26-5:21 again.I did not listen to what teacher said.She saw what I reading but did not say anything about it.

After the break,we had SBM first and only a few was in the class of 2203,changed class to air-con room.After SBM,we had EFC and we had to present our presentation. We had 'sisscor,paper,stone' to decide which group started first.In the end,our group started first. After the presentation,Ms Lim did commend us about the presentation.She said that I was outspoken and really thank God for it as I did not prepare anything about the presentation.

The lesson ended early at about 3.40pm and we went to locker to put my books in and went to LT to talk about it. Beibei was there as she was waiting for her friend,Joey and Tine and Jiajia was there just to witness it.I even told her how I felt and asked her for the reason. Out of so many questions,most of the time,she keep quiet.Only answer a few of my questions. Of the last questions,I asked her that if she knows that I will be angry,why she did it the second time? She thought and thought for quite a long time and in the end,haha...you know what answer she gave me? She said "I don't know." I said,what?don't know? After a few minutes,I told her don't know then forget of talking le and I took my bag and walked off.

I was so angry that I saw a bus approached and took the bus without realised it what bus number I took and heading where?I really have no idea as I just wana get out of that place. Tine and Jiajia managed to board the bus of what I'm taking and they alighted at Clementi Interchange.They do asked me to alight but I ignore them as I was very angry.

After I cooled down abit,I sms Tine and Jiajia and apologised to them,and sms Tine that I had no idea of where I'm heading and bus number that I took.Tine replied me that I took bus 106 and it's heading to town.

Thanks Tine and Jiajia for being there.Really sorry for making both of you worried about me.

About to reached Plaza Sing,Joy called me as early on I sms her telling her that I finished my talk with her.She asked me how is the talk and I told her about it.

I walked int Carrefour and looked for my Puchi and she was about to go for her break and I told her of what had happened and she told me that she had resgined from her work and she had found a new job with better prospect which is at Changi Airport.

After her break,which is 6.15pm,she went back to her work while I went to Paradi Center to asked about the price of the Bazzar after that I took bus 14 to Queensway and did the same.

After that,I took bus 198 back home.During the journey,my handphone low battery and it was shut down and after I reached home,it was about 9.10pm and I started to charge my handphone.I found out that Jun,my leader called me and I returned her call and she asked me of the Saturday,cell things and also asked of my presentation and also of the talk with my friend.

Crying Girl

Tonight,I was feeling real down as I don't know what to do?Should I go school tommorrow or not? If I don't go school,what happen to my presentation?If I go to school,I will have to see her? What to do?I don't know till Jun,my leader called me and talked to me asking me to look into eph 4:26-5:21,if there isn't any peace read and pray till I find peace in my heart.

When she called me,I was crying all the way till I almost can't breathe and felt giddiness and almost wana tell her wait,I wana eat medicine.Thank God,that I did not.

Before we put down the phone,she prayed for me and my presentation for tommorrow. Immediately putting down the phone,I sms Jun telling her thanks for praying for me.And I went to take out my bible and turned to the page that she wana me to look at it and started reading and prayed till I found some peace in my heart and stopped reading and went to washroom and bath.

After coming out,I started writing blog before I contiuned to read the words of God.

P/S: Jun,thanks and feel so blessed to have you and all the sista in Christ with me,to walk the way with me.Thank God for you all...

20 August 2006

Sermon Powerful

This morning,I woke up at 6.20am.Thank God for letting me listen to my alarm ring,if not,i will be late for miting gappy.Haha...

When I was in the train going to meet gappy at Clementi,she sms me saying that she needed to go first as lined up for A.R.Bernard,weeekend service. So I went myself to the service by train and I slept in the train until I reached Kallang,I called Yilin as afraid she overslept.haha...

When I reached Expo,it's about 8.15am and it was still early for me so I sitted at the taxi stand, the bench and waited till 8.40am and walked to Hall 9 and went for my service at Max Pavllion.

The sermon was very powerful and today was FCBC,20 Anviersary,Thank God.

After the service,Yilin and I went to foodcourt to have our lunch and after lunch, we waited for her friend in CHC as she wana went out with her.

After that,I went to take train back as miting Tine at Lakeside Control as she needed to top-up her farecard.

After that,we went to KFC as she have not eat her lunch and later went to 7-11 to buy drinks. After that,we went home as wana practise our role-play but in the end,we just go through it.

Later that,Tine played her maple online game using my laptop while I went to bath.After that, we went downstair to contiune to play online game.Around 8.05-8.10pm,we had our dinner at Blk 442.

After dinner,Tine and I went back home as I needed to put my laptop back home and went with Tine,accompany her back home and I went around 4 头 for a walk. After which,I took 157 bus back home.I reached home at around 9.25pm.

I felt very down now as tommorrow have to see her,Hannah,as I don't feel like seeing her. I wonder why am I always the one who she is targetting?Is it that I easily being bullied?I don't know.No mood for tommorrow presentation and role-play.

I cried out;God,help me!!!I need You to be here with me.

19 August 2006

God's Conformation

This morning, my gappy woke me up at 8.10am as yesterday night; we already arranged to go out this morning at 9am to Jurong East, (IMM International Mega Mart). Last night, I slept at about 3.30am. But thank God as I was able to wake up when gappy called immediately as I usually were lied on the bed for a few minutes before I can really woke up.

When I finished preparing, I just rushed out of my house without praying 'the prayer of "Amour"' When I was waiting for the bus to come and took me to Jurong East, I messaged gappy where to meet up as I that time, my whole brain was like can’t work. But gappy did not replied back so I decided to call her and just enough she went back to sleep and I told her that you have made appointment with me. Gappy then quickly went to prepare and we mit at about 9.10am. We went to coffeeshop and had our breakfast. We had 'Kway Chup' and gappy treated me. I feel so blessed and I thanked her.

After our breakfast, we walked to IMM, the Giant, as gappy wana bought things. I bought Campbell’s mushroom soup (can) and also biscuit tuna. After purchase, we went up to Daiso as gappy wana bought things. She went in to buy her things alone and I timed her 20 minutes as just now in Giant, we bought a lot of things and we even pushed the Giant’s trolley up to Daiso. After 20 minutes, I called gappy and she told me coming out soon. After which, we went down to level 1 to see her hair clips but there’s nothing she likes, so we went up to level 3 again but now going to the pet shop as she wana bought foods for Cookie, her dog. After which, we went down to level 1 again and this time, we walked around the IMM building and we stopped at the store called ‘Minitoons’ and gappy went in to buy her hairclips. After which, we took cab, SMART cab back to gappy's house. At gappy house, I turned on my laptop and wanted to play. Tine msn me and said that Hannah changed the presentation and I was like WTF and asked tine did she asked Jiajia's opinion and tine said she did not. I was like bursting and in the end, she told me that tine and I asked her to change and I asked her when did I say so? She msn me said that she thought so ma. I was like so angry till wanted to cry and WTF lol. I didn't even say so lol. I even asked her that she wana make me angry again, is it? Then she replied me 'sorry'. If I didn't asked her, will she apologise to me? I wonder...

After that, I feel like don't wana go cell as so angry with the matter! Gappy and tine encouraged me to go and gappy said that “It is not God who do you wrong?" This word makes me think that am I doing wrong? I even felt like smoking and drinking and felt like going to her house and bashed or gave her a tight slap but I did not do it and I went to cell.

Gappy and I walked to Chinese Garden as she mit her Law at the station and we went to take train to Clementi and they accompanied me to take bus 14 as I went to cell and they had their walk at Clementi.

During the journey, I was so angry and I tried to cool myself down but it seemed doesn't work so I listened to worship song in my cd and took out my bible and read ‘Proverbs”. After I have cooled down, I sms Joy as I just now so angry that I shouted at her to apologise to her. She called me and asked me where am I? I told her that I was at Plaza Sing and she said that her place there raining and asked me town area is there raining, I told her don't have.

When I reached Katong, it was 3.45pm and I mit Yilin and Meien at 4pm. I sat at outside Katong Shopping Center to wait for them. When they reached, we walked to Jun house at Haig Court and started our cell.

At cell, Jun talked about 1 king 14:1-10 and this verse ponder me. Jun talked about the "dung" thing and we should set things above and not on images or other God. It's like God's confirmation to me that when trouble comes, I should go to Him and not cig or liquor. Thank God for His word and blessing. I reached home at 9pm.

P/S: Thank Tine and Gappy for your encouragement and all the things you've done for me.
Thank God for putting you both in my sight.

17 August 2006


Today,I woke up at 7am and started to connect to MSN,as tine and I decided not to go for morning lesson which is SES lesson. We met at 8am at her Mac there for our breakfast but I was late. I reached there at 8.30am as I told my granny to do my bag. After our breakfast, we walked to my house there, the Yunnan Minimart as tine wana purchase file for Alpha project need,after which we walked to the Polyclinic the bus stop and took bus 99 to school.

We reached school around 9.45am and we proceeded to our locker to take our books. We saw that how come our class did not come down for the break? We were puzzled and I saw Ivy walking in to the canteen and I called her and asked her which classroom. After which, Vani called Ivy and told her that they were in 2208 and we took lift up to level 2 and into the classroom.

When we reached the classroom,we saw Mrs Ang was in there already and started the video of the Retail Assistant show. After which,we then knew that they had their break at 9am as SES lesson ended early at 9am,1 hour of lesson.

After the lesson,I stayed back and helped Mrs Ang to pack her things and took to the office. At the office,I saw Mrs Wo which is our SES teacher,she asked me why I did not attend her lesson, I told her I overslept and she asked what about my gang?I ???,then she said Bei Ying and Kristine,I told her that they also overslept and I apologise to her.And went for my break.

After the lesson of CTR,we had our SW lesson and we have to run our 2.4km,NAFAR test.

Really have to give my thanks to God as after the second round,I twisted my right leg and I was hardly able to run. The lady who gave us the sticks encouraged me to run and I told her my leg pain.Thanks for your encouragement,my friend although I did not know you. While I was running, I kept on praying that GOD,YOU have to help me,my leg was in pain and I don't think I can finish it.God,help me,I wana run,protect me. And indeed,God is a good God,He help me to run the race as I can feel that He was just beside me.

After the run, my SW teacher,Ms Choo, said 'good'. Again,I was puzzled but I did not care as my leg was very pain and I rested and started to twist it back as it was an old injury as when I was in Secondary School,I have hurt my right leg before and can be twisted back.Haha...scary hor...

After I knew my timing,I went to take a look at my grade of the NAFAR. I saw mine was 16:30 and got 3 points. I was very happy despite my leg was still in pain.

God,it was You who done this miracle for me.Thank You, Lord!!! I love You,Lord. You are my GOD,my only ONE. Without You,I don't think I can make it. Praise the LORD!!!!!

16 August 2006

Thank God for healing me

Wow... Since last Saturday, my last entry, I have not yet blog as I am sick since Saturday. I have sore throat and went to see doctor on Tuesday again as I have no voice to talk. Thank God for protecting and healing me as yesterday, the whole day, I can’t speak but today at least I can talk but very soft. Sorry to my dear friends as they had a hard time listening to my words…

God, thank for your healing power to be upon me. You are our Jehovah Rophe, our healer.

Today, after school, I went to Clementi Interchange alone to deposit $ to my bank in order for my hp bills. Kristine went back home alone as she was tired. After which I went to look for Amelyn as she is working at I.P Zone at Clementi. Just in time for her dinner and I waited for her. We went to MacDonald to have her dinner.

Around 5.45pm, we decided to go off as she went to work and I went to take bus. While waiting for bus, Joy called me and we chatted. I took bus 105 to Jurong East, near IMM, the bus stop to alight and waited for bus 333 to ride to Jurong East, the market near Polyclinic and took bus 198 back home.

Mummy called me and told me to buy dinner back home as electricity begin cut off and no electricity to cook. Haiz, again and it became our routine. I bought porridge back home and had my dinner. I reached home around 7pm.

13 August 2006

Alone for Cell
This morning,I woke up at 10 plus.After I woke up,I laid at my bed till about 11am and get up and call Joy as not to give me morning call as I have woke up. I still have my fever on.Around 11.15am,I started to online and Esther msn me asking me to ask Long out as going to cell.

In the end,I mit Long and James at 11.45am and we went to have our lunch,including breakfast for me. Haha...I messaged Theresa,my boss to let her know that tomorrow I might not be able to work SW as I still have my fever and will let her know tomorrow morning if I was able to work,not.In the end,I mit Long and bring him to Lakeside Control Station to Mint.After that,they took cab with Timo,Sis Selena to their cell while I took bus 98A back home.

Around 2.30pm,I went down to took bus 99 to Clementi and transfer bus 14 to Katong for my cell at Haig Courts at 4.30pm.Jun and Andrew prayed for me.Thank God for them.

Today,I was alone in the cell as Yilin was not feeling well,while others have to work. Jun preached 1 cor6:12-20.It's about the God's body and spirit.Our body is God's temple and we have to take care...

After the cell,I ate my dinner,fish porridge which Andrew cooked at their place.I only ate half of the bowl as I really have no appeiate to eat.

I mit Priscillia 9pm at Jurong Point but I was late.Sorry gal,I was late.When the bus was approaching town area,there was a jam.

After that,I took bus 14 back to Bukit Merah and transfer bus 197 to Jurong East and then transfer bus 198 back home. When I reached home,I put down my laptop and washed up and left the house to mit Priscillia. I took bus 198 to Jurong Point and I reached at about 9.30pm.

After that, we went to Arcade Centre to play about half-hour and then went to Blk 668B to look for Priscillia's friend.

After which,there were no train for Priscillia to go back home and she took bus 198 with me and at my bus-stop took NR5 back to Orchard and then she can either took NR8 or taxi back home.
She reached home at around 1.15am and she messaged me.

Now, thank God that my fever has subsided but my throat was still pain while talking and coughing.And also my flu...

11 August 2006

Sick Gal

This morning, I woke up by Kristine. Thanks tine for your morning call. I was sick today but still went to school as I had to hand in the Giordano form to Mrs Ang. Last night, I couldn’t sleep as of sore throat and having fever in the night, but in the morning, my fever had subsided le. Thank God…

When I reached school, I saw Cherish at the traffic light as she was crossing the road to school and we crossed together with tine. Haha… I asked her if she can pass me the paper which Mrs Tay asked her to pass it to us to do during her absence.

After Ms Lim lesson, tine and I went to locker to put our books in locker before going to take bus 99 to Jurong East Polyclinic. We waited from 10.30am till around 1.45pm then can go back. So long hor.

After seeing the doctor, we rushed to Tiong Bahru to do our C.C.A (Interact Club). When we are at the station of Bouna Vista, Wen Ting called me and asked us not to go as they have already separated in groups le. So in the end, we decided to drop at Commonwealth Station and took bus 198 back home.

I slept in the bus till arrived at tine bus stop and I alighted there as have to go Post Office to collect things as Joy sent me. When I opened up, I sensed that there was sweet in it and truth enough; there were 1 Hall sweets inside the envelope, and some notes on HOW TO QUIT SMOKING.

After collecting the letter, I went to tine house nearby to try the new store wan tan noodle and ice-kachang. After finished eating, I went back home and rest.

Around 5 plus, tine msn me does Hannah sms mi about the next event of Interact Club but I told her no and I even off my hp and took another sim card in and try but result still the same, no.

I felt so sad as thinking that she doesn’t wana befriend me, I even had a feeling of it. Hope that my feeling is wrong.

09 August 2006

Half-day in school and went to SIS

This morning, I woke up at around 7am and was late for school and quickly went to bath and prepared. I reached school almost 8.20am and I was late for school but thank God as the gate of the school was not closed for ceremony. So I was considered early. Haha…

After the school, which ended at 11.30am, Hazel, Mary, Sok Wai, Kristine, Hannah, Jia Li and I took bus 99 to Gek Poh for our breakfast and did some research for our projects. After which, Hazel and Mary went to take bus 99, Hannah went back home while others went to Jurong Point.

After which, in the evening, around 5.40pm, Andrew called me and told me that Jun did not bring her hp today to work. So we mit 7pm at the North Entrance but I was late. I alighted at Kallang Mrt and walked to the bus interchange to take bus 11 to Singapore Indoor Stadium (SIS).

The pastor talked about the 4 Major Priorities. They are 1. Prayer and Unity. 2. Winning Singapore. 3. Being an Antioch. 4. Servant-Leadership. We prayed for it and the meeting ended around 10 plus.

After the service, I called up my friend and asked him to accompany me for supper.

After which, Andrew and Jun sent me to Paya Lebar Mrt to alight me there as I mit my friend at City Hall Control Station. We went to the Kopitam near the NTUC Income in between City Hall and Dobby Ghuat. We chatted and had our supper, dinner.

After we had our supper, we walked to Somerest to take night rider bus, NR5, back home. I reached home around 2.30-2.45am. I slept around 5am.

06 August 2006

Service and dinner at Woodlands

This morning, I woke up at 7am and immediately went to bath and prepared to go Expo for service. I reached Expo at around 9.05am. I was late as the service start at 9am. I was late for 5 minutes.

At around 11am, Kristine sms me that she won’t be able to join me for the service in the afternoon, 1.30pm as her mum don’t allow her to go. She was sob in her message but I told her it’s ok and asked her don’t sob in reply. Although I was sad but I know that bible does say that we have to honors our parents and I really wana thank God as Kristine msn me that asking me of the time to service and I know that she really wana go. But I pray that God will do another miracle to let Kristine come for service again and will soften her mum’s heart. Amen!!!

After the service, I took train to woodland and took bus 900 to my grandma house. When I reached my grandma house, I was starved to death as I was very hungry and grandma cooked nice and delicious food. Yummy!!! There were prawns, fried chicken wings and chicken curry. NICE, NICE, YUMMY, YUMMY…

After having my breakfast and lunch, I played my laptop for a while and went to sleep as very tired and I let my cousin played my laptop while I went to rest.

Around 7pm, we went to the field next to Christ Church Secondary School and Singapore Sports Centre; we had our dinner over there. It’s called Admiralty National Day Celebration 2006 and our ticket number is from 2291-2300 and our table number was 270. We had fun over there. I really enjoyed myself. After the dinner, mummy, brother, sister and I took cab back home. We reached home around 11 plus.

05 August 2006

Helping Out & Taking Hp @ Hello Shop

Today, I have to go to work at 11am, just to help out. I helped in looking after the store and do some counter as my collegues have to have their lunch. After which, I just passed them the counter back, while I just look after the store.

Today, there was an ice-cream sale and Hazel and Mary came to 7-11 to buy ice-cream. Thanks Hazel and Mary for helping to buy ice-cream. The promoter went off at 2pm and I have to help in loading the ice-cream to full which I have done it but to my manager, it’s not full as the ice-cream box, there was only three-quarter full. They load at around 1 plus in the afternoon nearly to 2pm but HAIZ... Kenna said by manager. So sad, helped her to load and kenna said by her. What's wrong? Can"t consumer buy it? Of course, consumer buy and there’s why it’s lesser a bit. My manager said that the ice-cream box must be full when the promoter went off. How am I suppose to know it? This is my first time loading ice-cream lei... Everytime, I just helped in selling and looking after the ice-cream. HAIZ...

After work, its 6pm which I ended work, I went back home and went with mummy to West Mall Hello Shop to take back my free sim card as I lost it yesterday. While waiting for the queue, as the queue was long and the promoter took my mummy hp number as when the queue was approaching, they will sms my mum so that we won’t miss our queue number. When we were eating our dinner, the Hello Shop people sms my mummy hp and told us that our queue was coming. We hurried eating our food and went back to Hello Shop. Haha... We ate like never had before as we had it within 5 minutes. Fast, right???

After collecting our sim card, we went to NTUC Fair Price to buy something. After which, we took bus 187 back home. We reached home around 10 plus.

04 August 2006

Lost my handphone

Today, after school, I went home and rested for awhile and had my dinner before going to SIS (Singapore Indoor Stadium), the Festival of Praise-CHC. Before going to SIS, I went to met Mint and went together. We were late and we took cab to SIS at Tanjong Pagar. When, we were in the cab, I found out that my bottle spilled off water and I immediately took all my things in my bag and cleaned my bag. My bible was wet and all the things were also wet.

When I reached SIS, I discovered that my handphone was not with me. I quickly went out to call mummy and told her that I lost my handphone and after which, I called the Singtel hotline (1626) to inform them about my lost handphone. After I put down the phone, I called Jun and told her about my handphone was lost. We chatted till about the service almost ended.

When I went into the stadium, I saw Jie Ying came out and she walked to the washroom and I followed her. After which, in the washroom, I saw Sis Selena and Esther walking to the washroom.

After the service, Esther, Jie Ying and I took train back home. When we reached home, I quickly went to find the things of my handphone and went down with Esther to the Police Station to make a report. After that, we went back home.

During the whole night, I couldn’t sleep.

So sad and feel wana cry out. Sob…

02 August 2006

Thank God for Your Blessing

This morning, before I left my house to school, I prayed the prayer of armor and prayer of blessing. Today, I have SES common test and really wana thank God for blessing me more time to study as last night, I was supposed to study early in the morning at 2am but I can’t wake up even I set my hand-phone alarm. Haha, funny right?? Not like me, right…

At 11am, I had my common test, and I finished it in 25 minutes time. Thank God as almost all the questions, I was able to do except a few. Thank God for blessing me wisdom and understanding.

After school, while I was walking back home just outside the school near the office, I almost fell down and sprain my ankle but I did not sprain my ankle and nothing happened to me. Thank God for His protection upon me.

I remember what Jun had said on last Saturday, during bible study, she told us to pray the prayer of armor when we left our house. In return, I asked her ‘What if I forget to pray?’ Jun replied back that the arrow will shoot unto you. Now, I really know that the prayer of armor, I must pray every now and then to protect me from any harm.

Dear God, thanks for Your blessing and protection upon me. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Today, I have to go work at 7-11, helped out by cleaning the store. I started work at 6.30pm till no idea end work.