14 December 2006

Today,damn boring in school

This morning,I woke up at about 8am even though Tine called me at about 7 plus in the morning.I still went back to sleep.Haha...Thanks Tine for waking me up.

I reached school at about 9am in the morning as I don't wish to go 8am lesson as 8am - 10am is Mrs Ang lesson and I decided to go for 9am lesson as she will be giving us the IAP form.Now we are in the self-acess room and damn it lol.Almost all the com here can't use.Only a few com can use.

So boring here but no choice have to go as of the IAP form,if not,I don't wish to come.Now come le, feeling so boring here.Teacher there doing the IAP form while got a lots of mistake and she said that of the copy and paste things.So damn it lol,making all the hours blur and making me also blur as Aisha working hours is different from us of the Giordano.So damn it lol and also the Istean working hours lol.Haiz...Don't know her la and I don't feel like caring lol.

This morning,so damn boring in school.Argg...

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