26 December 2006

Christmas Event,24 Dec'06

This is Jun gave me.I love it!!

24 Dec'06,is Christmas Eve and I woke up at about 6.30am and went to prepare to go service. I mit 'daddy' at the Lakeside first cabin and we went service together.During the journey to Expo,'daddy' slept in the train while I was on the line with Joy.

When we reached Tenah Merah,we saw Poh Cheng and we went together.

After the service,Jun gave me Christmas present.It's a CD.I love it!!Thank Jun for the blessing.
We mit Jocelyn at Hall 9 and we prayed together with Yilin,Poh Cheng,Jun and me.After that, 'daddy' went off as he had to go to work.Jun and Andrew left also so left me,Poh Cheng and Yilin. We ate our lunch at Hall 9.After which,Yilin went off while Poh Cheng and I stayed behind for the youth service at 1.30pm.Anni came in at around 2 pm and my name is jot down as when Anni came,it's already worship time.
After the service,we went back home first and mit at 8.30pm at Orchard Control Station.We went to had our dinner at Scotts Road.After which,we walked to Paragon while FCBC were there singing carol songs.It ended at 12am.After which,'daddy' came to look for us.
In the end,we left the place by cab,which 'daddy' paid for us.Thanks 'daddy'.We first went to Boon Keng,Poh Cheng there followed by Anni at Toa Payoh,then my place,lastly 'daddy'.

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