12 December 2006

New Water & Singapore River

Lin Zhong Yi and I taken at the New Water factory.

Our Singapore Merlion

The scenery was very nice.

Our Boat coming!!!

Today,we went for our N.E Tour at 8.15.We have to report to school at 8am.When we reached school,it's still early so we sat at the canteen with Tine,Hazel,Mary,Jia Jia and Sok Wai.Then saw Hannah at the other table and I asked them why Hannah not joining us?Very weird!!!

After which,we sat at the school bus to go to the New Water factory near Expo but further down.While we were about to go and going to drive out the school gate.We saw Bei Bei and we waited for her to cross the traffic lights.So funny as she cross here and there.Haha...

Then we reached the New Water factory and took pictures with the 'L' aka lamer aka Mr Snake. Haha...he is Lin Zhong Yi,Zonnie.Haha...

After which,we ten took the bus to Singapore River at Boat Quey,Raffles Place.Then we sat the boat and after that we were dismissed and Hazel,Mary,Tine,Wai Wai,Jia Jia and I walked to Clake Quey to take train to Harbour Front and walked to Vivo City to the GV to watch movie, the Happy Feet and last week just watched with Pris and this week watched with my group. Haha...

After we bought the tickets,we watched the 1.10pm show as we reached the place early,we decided to go and have our lunch first.We went to the shop at basement called 'Super Dog'.

The place was like damn ****,the queue was damn long and only one cashier operating and we were waiting damn long so I walked to one of the service crew there and asked.You know what he said,damn **** lo.He said the time was not yet up to open another counter.I was like 'wth'.

After that we ordered our food and went back to seat.While I was sitting,I don't really feel good so I walked up to the counter,supposed to get feedbackform,they said they don't have and the supervisor asked me what happened and I told him.He gave me a reason that one of his staff came late that's why only one counter open.Then I asked him,can asked another staff to operate.Since his attitude was ok,I just let go.

I tell you all,I won't go there again even when I feel like eating their food.What a bad experience I had.After the show,Tine and I took train back home.

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