04 December 2006

Sunday service and bible study

This morning,Jun called me and woke me up.Thank Jun for waking me up.But in the end,I went back to sleep as I was very tired.In the end,I woke up at about 6.50am and I rushed to prepare to go for service.I miting Gappy at 7.30pm at Clementi first cabin.I saw Jasmine Teng at Lakeside Mrt and took the train with her to Clementi and alight and went in again as gappy and Law came.Thank God,I'm not late as I reached Expo at about 8.40am.At about 8.45am,Jun,Andrew and Jun's father in law came and I quickly introduced Jun to gappy and they went in first while I was eating my bread.After I had my bread,I went in for my service at 9am.I walked to Hall 9 and bought sweets and went in at 9am.

After the service,we had our bible study till around 1.20pm.After which,Yilin,Anni and I went to Harbour Front to look for 'daddy' then followed that we went to Joy's grandma funeral after which went to meet Priscillia at 7.30pm at Tampines but I was late.I reached home at about 12am.

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