26 December 2006

Going to stay at grandma's house

Today afternoon,I went to grandma,I left my house at about 2pm and took bus 187 to Woodlands Interchange.While on the train,I messaged Jun and Joy that I will be alright. Yesterday,was Christmas and yet my day was ruin by it.My damn father...again.Haiz...Think I wouldn't be able to forgive him.It's so hurt not that hurt me it also hurt my mum.I hate to see him.Really don't wish to see him.Hate him hurting this family.

Today,I off my handphone almost the whole day except once a while I on my handphone to check mail.

Sorry friends,if you call me yet it has mentioned that I off the handphone.

Friends,don't worry about me.I will be fine,just give me sometimes to sort it out if not you will see me back to the past.Thanks friend for being there for me.

Especially,Jun and Joy.Thank God for you. :)

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